Page 126 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 126
nko Milost, Klara Dodič Pegan, and Tatjana Horvat

Intellectual capital

Human Capital Structural Capital Relational Capital

Knowledge of the emplo- Knowledge bound Knowledge the university
yees that is taken with into the university’s creates through
them if/when they leave structure which remains
there even if/when relations with other
the university (university the employees leave. players in its local or
is not the owner). wider environment.

Indicators Indicators Indicators

Teaching and research Study programmes, University’s relations
faculty, faculty projects, research, with external "users"
information systems, and partners (students,
assistants and their library databases,
knowledge, experience publications and articles, economy, local
organisational processes, environment, other
and competences. authorities, culture etc. universities, research
institutions, etc.)

Figure 7.1 Components of i c at the University of Primorska

The coding system is adapted to the needs of the company in the first
place. Therefore, we adapted the coding system to a non-profit organi-
sation such as a university. In our case, we do not refer to trademarks,
company names, distribution channels, etc. as they are in companies.
Our purpose was to establish, by means of the content analysis of the
u p’s fundamental documents, what represents the university’s ic, its
strategy and vision, what its employees are like, what its relations with
the environment are like and which indicators disclose these compo-
nents of ic. The results of the content analysis of the u p’s fundamental
documents are presented in figure 7.1.

We can establish that the above-mentioned components of i c ap-
pear in the fundamental strategic objectives of the university. Hereby,
these components define the practice of its basic activities and are also
disclosed in the results of these activities.

Human capital is undoubtedly the most important component of ic
at the u p. It includes all the employees of the university together with
their knowledge and abilities. They are very highly educated – 662 em-
ployees out of 752 (Univerza na Primorskem 2012, 373) hold a b a (uni-
versity degree of the pre-Bologna system) or b s c. The labour costs re-
lated to them represent almost 70  of the total costs of the university.

Structural capital is the so-called materialised knowledge bound into

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