Page 131 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 131
Intellectual Capital Report of the University

Table 7.2 Continued from the previous page

i i. Property indicators in the structure and organisation

 nfc/r The number of study programmes by the number of study fields
(i s ced) of the first, second and third degree

 n f i The number of interdisciplinary study programmes
 n f i The number of international study programmes

 f i Income structure of the study activity by sources
 n f i
 n f i The number and type of programmes of lifelong learning
 n f i
The number of the registered projects and programmes by university
 n f i members in the calendar year
 f i
The number of approved projects and programmes by university mem-
 f i bers in the calendar year, namely the accomplishment of the project
and programme applications

The number of academic conferences and meetings organised by the
members of the u p

The income share of the research activity by the type of sources: bud-
getary resources and non-budgetary (market) resources/in the total
income of the university’s research activity

The total of all annual assets for the research activity/the number of

 n f c The number of published works (articles) in indexed journals (s c i,
s s ci, a & h ci with an influential factor (i f) > 1, e.g. Science, Nature)
by study fields (i s ced)

 n f i The number of pure citations in the Web of Science (t c)
 n f i The number and type of awards

 n f i The number of published works by fields
 n f i
The number of certified patents, licences and certificates that are
owned by the university

 f i The income of the university from its patents, licences and copyrights
 n f i
The existence of a strategy for the university development (descrip-
 n f i tion), how its strategy differs or is distinguished from other universi-
ties’ strategies

The existence of mechanisms for the evaluation of accomplishing the
university’s strategy in the basic fields of its operations

Continued on the next page

i c Report at the u p

The ic report has a dual function. On the basis of its information, the
management of the university makes the decisions required to meet
their strategic objectives. It is also a document that provides informa-
tion aimed at the general public. The main part of the report is the in-
dicators. Table 7.2 shows the indicators included in the ic report at the

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