Page 129 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 129
Intellectual Capital Report of the University

Goals, Investments in Basic Results of
strategy, Basic Activity Activities/Processes ic operating
(with indicators) in the basic
vision (with indicators)
Required resources activity/
(capital) in: people, Education, research evaluation
organisation and and development, and and plan
structure, and relations. (with indi-
activities. cators)

Measures and processes (quality assurance)
Figure 7.2 i c Report Model at the University of Primorska

guidelines and recommendations regarding the indicators’ properties
in order to achieve their objectivity. Such models are e.g. m e ri t u m
(Cañibano et al. 2002) and ric a rdi s (European Commission 2006).
The designed indicators are financial and non-financial.

Model Proposal and ic Report Design at the up

i c Model at the u p

Designing a model is about presenting reality in a certain way. Models
are designed by way of deduction on the basis of real-life events, pro-
cesses or states.

The basis or basic stages for designing the ic model proposal at the
u p have been represented by the attempts at drawing up such reports
in four European countries, namely in Spain (Ramirez, Lorduy, and Ro-
jas 2007; Sanchez, Ellena and Castrillo 2009), Great Britain (Bezhani
2010), Austria (Leitner 2002) and Hungary (Bodnar et al. 2009). Euro-
pean directives and recommendations for measuring ic at universities
(Cañibano et al. 2002), as well as the Austrian model of drawing up a
report (‘Wissensbilanz – Verordnung’ 2010) – which is enforced – have
also been taken into account. The model proposal was designed on the
basis of the research results (the analysis of the u p’s fundamental doc-
uments, the interviews with the u p management representatives) and
the specific features of the up. An ic report model is shown in figure 7.2.

To realise its vision and execute its fundamental activity, the univer-
sity requires – besides investment in tangible assets – all the elements
of ic, i.e. human capital, structural capital and relational capital.

On the right side in the model are the results of the entire process,
shown by indicators. Education activity indicators refer to e.g. the num-

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