Page 128 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 128
Franko Milost, Klara Dodič Pegan, and Tatjana Horvat

of European University 2007, 19) indicators that reflect the dynamics
within the individual components of ic, such as:

1. human capital:

• performance indicators (e.g. the total number of assets for the
research/the number of all researchers),

• indicators of the openness to the home and international en-
vironment (e.g. the number of students in doctoral study pro-
grammes from other universities (home and foreign)/the num-
ber of all students in doctoral study programmes);

2. structural capital:

• indicators of autonomy (e.g. the amount of assets intended for
r&d/the total amount of all assets),

• indicators of codified knowledge in publications (e.g. a number
of copyright works by scientific fields/all the publications of the

• indicators of codified knowledge in the form of intellectual
property (e.g. a number of patents owned by the university),

• strategic decisions (e.g. the presence of the strategy for the de-
velopment of research and education activity);

3. relational capital:

• corporate spin-off (a number of spin-offs created and financed
by the university),

• contracts of the university with the economy and other organ-
isations and common research and development projects,

• knowledge transfer through technology transfer institutions,
• knowledge transfer through human resources (e.g. a number

of phd students with scholarships provided by companies/the
number of all phd students),
• participation in social and cultural life,
• the so-called ‘public understanding of science’ (e.g. organisa-
tion of events for science promotion – media, forums, etc.).

The set of indicators is designed in such a way that they disclose all
three basic activities of the u p (education and study activity, scien-
tific research and art activity and socio-economic role of the university)
which represent its business process and its ‘production.’

The indicators were designed on the basis of different role models –
we have taken into account several models and considered numerous

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