Page 127 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 127
Intellectual Capital Report of the University

the organisational structures and processes. It is composed of study
and research programmes, projects, expertise, certified knowledge, sys-
tems of lifelong learning, international integration, information sys-
tems, specific databases, awards of titles to teaching and research fac-
ulties and faculty assistance (also called ‘habilitacija’), publications and
articles, the results of research activity, etc. Structural capital was cre-
ated and brought into the organisation by former and current employ-
ees, and other players in higher education (students, visiting scholars
and others) through work, or it was acquired by the university from the
outside. The analysis of the u p’s fundamental documents showed that
the indicators of the disclosure of structural capital are found in all an-
nual reports, annual work programmes and the self-evaluation reports
of the university since its establishment.

Relational capital is intangible capital created by the university’s op-
eration in the environment and through the university’s relations with
different players in that environment. These players are users of its
services (students, companies, institutions issuing calls for tender, the
state, partner universities, local and national economy, local and na-
tional social environment) and other partners. Relational capital is ex-
tensively disclosed in different sections of the u p’s fundamental docu-
ments. The most important indicators of relational capital in the u p’s
fundamental documents are:

• the indicators of international activity in education and research,
• the indicators of the forms of lifelong learning,
• the indicators of common projects with the economy and local en-

vironment and
• indicators of the scholarships from the u p scholarship fund and

the awards for teaching and research excellence.

Indicators of i c Components
Indicators of the organisation’s ic are closely related to the organisa-
tion’s vision and strategy. Therefore, they are the criteria for measuring
the organisation’s success in achieving the goals. The indicators, dis-
closed by means of the analysis of the u p’s fundamental documents,
were classified on the basis of the previously mentioned coding system
(Guthrie and Petty 2000): the indicators of the university’s capital in
employees, organisation and relations. Within each type of these indi-
cators, we designed (according to the p ri m e model, see Observatory

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