Page 34 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 34
Aleksander Janeš, Roberto Biloslavo, and Armand Faganel

that participated in the project and was selected and represented be-
cause of its outstanding innovative co-natural sustainability (Yin 1994).
Semi-structured individual interviews were agreed and scheduled with
dr. Irena Fonda, co-owner and manager of the Fonda Company. Inter-
views were conducted between January and March 2013. The interviews
lasted from 60 to 120 minutes, which is a standard length, as recom-
mended by Kvale (2007).

The first interview was dedicated to the visualisation of the present
situation in the company (i.e. the business model ‘as-is’) and repre-
sented a starting point for the second interview, which was aimed at
the development of the future desired state and innovation of the exist-
ing business model (i.e. ‘to-be’). Individual interviews/workshops were
therefore conducted twice, for identification of the ‘as-is’ and ‘to-be’
models. The interviews were recorded, with the approval of the intervie-
wee(s) using a dictaphone and then transcribed and analysed (Easterby-
Smith et al. 2007; Janeš and Biloslavo 2013; Janeš and Trnavčević 2014).
The method of semi-structured interviews was supplemented with the
participation and observation of the researchers (Angrosino and Mays
de Pérez, 2000; Janeš 2014a). The developed business model canvas (fig-
ure 2.1 and 2.2) was analysed and reported as a single case study. This
was sent to the company-interviewee for confirmation and authorisa-
tion (Janeš 2014b).

Empirical Findings and Discussion
Co-Natural Innovation Activity of the Enterprise
The Fonda Company has over four decades of professional experience
in developing, perfecting and bringing a new quality to the Slovenian
and international fish markets. New ideas that were introduced by ma-
rine biologist and pioneer of aquaculture Mr. Ugo Fonda, are the result
of dedicated professional work. In-depth knowledge in the field of ma-
rine biology is being transmitted to Mr. Ugo’s Fonda successors, with
which they jointly studied the important factors impacting on the sus-
tainable development and production of Fonda Piran sea bass, which is
very recognisable among the plurality of farmed fish providers around
the world.

The farm is located in the Bay of Piran, which lies in the far northern
part of the Adriatic Sea. Piran’s bay is different from other bays espe-
cially in terms of clean waters and a strong sea current oriented to the
north along the east coast of the Adriatic.

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