Page 36 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 36
Aleksander Janeš, Roberto Biloslavo, and Armand Faganel

can be seen in the great tonus of the meat, which is fat-free. The quality
of the fish is harmless, because the quantity of mercury in farmed fish
is up to thirteen times lower than in wild-caught fish. This is the result
of feed that does not contain mercury, chemicals and even hormones
for faster growth, nor antibiotics for prophylaxis. Therefore, such fish
is easily digestible and palatable and rich in protein, omega-3, vitamins
and mineral substances. Food containing fish has a favourable effect on
the development of the human body, particularly the brain in the era
before birth and later in the era of growth; therefore it is recommended
for pregnant women and babies. For adults, however, it has an impact
on the increase in mental and physical characteristics and slowing down
the ageing process.

At the same time, care for the environment is expressed through reg-
ular veterinary supervision of animal health by the University of Ljub-
ljana, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the regular supervision of the
inspector for food products, the Veterinary Administration of the Re-
public of Slovenia.

With all this, Fonda has developed the slogan: ‘Natural, delicious
and healthy!’ That best describes Fonda’s farmed fish. Innovativeness
is present in the company and its entire approach to the process, in-
cluding the most influential factors.

One of the important steps of their innovative approach was that
they gave the fish a name and raised the brand Fonda Piran sea bass.
The Fonda brand is a guarantee of the quality of the product and its
founders are standing behind the fish name. ‘We decided to give a name
to the fish and a brand – Fonda Piran sea bass. This brand has given a
guarantee of quality. Behind this name we stand. This means that we
are actually doing everything we can to create a really good product.
Each fish is tagged with a badge. On each badge is the date of harvest.
This means full traceability. This badge has also been given because peo-
ple should know what it means to have really fresh fish,’ says dr. Irena

While standing behind the products’ quality, dr. Irena Fonda stresses:
‘Fish farms are numerous! They all have some inexpensive fish, or not so
inexpensive, but there is no one that has been even close to us in qual-
ity. Also in terms of the working method, there is no one that has come
close. Yet there is still competition with producers who have cheaper
fish.’ She concludes her thoughts with: ‘Geographical location and cli-
matic conditions certainly affect and leave their mark on farmed fish.

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