Page 40 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 40
Aleksander Janeš, Roberto Biloslavo, and Armand Faganel

al. 2015; Fonda 2013a; Kalantzi et al. 2013). Their behaviour is undoubt-
edly a great achievement for the Fonda Company and at the same time
contributes to the education of Slovenian and/or European consumers.

Many chefs were impressed by the quality of the Fonda Piran sea
bass, to such a degree that farmed fish can be even better than ‘wild’
ones. Because the wild fish are not necessarily fresh, they can have a
taste of mud or can even be sick. The Fonda Company was also invited
to the Slowfisch Congress in Genoa, Italy, where they were presented as
an example of good practice.

One of the latest projects involves the radio frequency identifica-
tion (rf i d) of products. This means that any packaging for the fish is
equipped with a chip. These allow computer processing and monitor-
ing of what is happening with the product. In addition, it provides an
even better trace for the customer. On the packaging box is a quick re-
sponse (q r) code, which can be read using a smartphone, so the cus-
tomer knows where the fish was and how it travelled.

The Business Model of the Enterprise
Through analysis of the ‘as-is’ business model of the Fonda Company,
two strategic themes were identified: the Fonda brand and the sustain-
able aquaculture processes that embrace all key elements (figure 2.1).

The first of the strategic themes is the Fonda brand, which represents
a very positive attitude towards sustainable aquaculture and care for
the environment and the competitive advantage of the company. Sus-
tainable processes that result in the ‘best farmed fish in the world’ is a
strategic directive supported by effective and successful business with
established and new business partners and modern co-natural sustain-
able technology, which serves as a support for the natural process of

This method of fish farming not only requires technical competen-
cies but also a relatively large amount of manually worked hours on the
farm. Natural farmed fish and seafood with Fonda’s own market ap-
proach, opened regional and international sales channels for the Fonda
trademark. ‘At first we were weird. They speak about us as “these foolish
biologists.” It was horrible. We did something and all that we were told
was that it is wrong, that it will not work,’ explains dr. Irena Fonda.

Another identified strategic theme is the co-natural aquaculture pro-
cesses. The professional family tradition in the field of biology is charac-
teristic of the Fonda Company, which is reflected in the respect for nat-

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