Page 46 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
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Aleksander Janeš, Roberto Biloslavo, and Armand Faganel

ducer organisations with a view to the development of fish farming in
terms of s m e family fish nurseries. These measures would facilitate
the more competitive position of Slovenian fish farming. The natural
circumstances and conservation requirements in Slovenia do not allow
the development of large industrial fish farms. Establishing the organi-
sation of producers would make it easier to obtain knowledge, new tech-
nology and reduce market costs. The future development of Slovenian
mariculture is strongly conditioned by the small size of the Slovenian
Sea. In 2007, three larger areas were designated for marine aquaculture
in Slovenian territorial waters, which were subsequently separated into
22 plots, for which concessions were granted for the use of marine wa-
ter in 2009. It is expected that these plots will not be expanded, due
to the use of Slovenian territorial waters for other purposes. All Slove-
nian maritime fish and shellfish farms are currently operating at about
50 capacity (Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fish-
eries 2014, 342). In the future, it can be expected that Slovenian marine
aquaculture will increase production to the maximum capacity and then
possibly stagnate, while freshwater fish farms are yet to develop their
potential, because Slovenia has plenty of clean freshwater resources.


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