Page 54 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 54
Danila Djokić

The business, existence and growth of an organisation depend on
the society and the environment.
• Ethical theories hold that the relationship between an organisa-
tion and the social environment is full of ethical values. As a result,
understanding corporate social responsibility is exclusively ethi-
cal. An organisation should assume corporate social responsibility,
because it is an ethical requirement (Garriga and Mele 2004).

In Slovenia, authors see it as the responsibility of all business enti-
ties (owners and managers in particular) to develop and implement ac-
tions aiming to realise the needs and interests: organisation’s environ-
ment (natural, social and corporate) and the organisation of internal
processes (Potočan and Mulej 2007, 130).

csr is explained as a cell. The attitude of an organisation or its man-
agement towards employees, owners and clients represents the nucleus
of the cell. The immediate surrounding area of the nucleus constitutes
the attitude towards the local environment, both natural and social,
while the wider circle denotes the organisation’s global visibility (Zad-
nik and Šmuc 2007, 3).

According to Bertoncelj et al. (2011, 108–12), these definitions indi-
cate that the concept of corporate social responsibility strives towards
the sustainable functioning of an organisation, which also contributes
to the prosperity of the society as a whole, taking into account the in-
terests of all stakeholders and its own interests, including profits, and
strictly respecting both ethical and moral principles.

The e u Legal Framework of Corporate Social Responsibility
The Green Paper of the e u from 2001 describes c s r as a concept
whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns into
their business operations and in their interaction with their stakehold-
ers on a voluntary basis (Commission of the European Communities
2001). The following long-term documents of the eu have a significant
influence regarding better understanding the concept of csr and sus-
tainable development in Europe.

The e u Strategy on Sustainable Development summarised some
terms in the following way:

• Environmental Protection: Safeguard the earth’s capacity to support
life in all its diversity, respect the limits of the planet’s natural re-
sources and ensure a high level of protection and improvement of

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