Page 57 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 57
Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures in the Republic of Slovenia

• Structure and Governance of Boards
• Transparency and Disclosure of Information
• Shareholders’ Rights
• Corporate Social Responsibility
• Audit and Internal Control
• Corporate Risk Management
• Compensation/Remuneration

These seven segments are represented by a total set of 98 questions
that must be answered in the affirmative (yes) or negative (no), de-
pending on the governance practices in the analysed firms. Affirmative
answers imply good corporate governance practices and vice versa. A
ponder is assigned to each answer, wherein the minimum value of the
weight equals 1 and the maximum value equals 3. The maximum score
for each segment is 10 (best possible practice) and the minimum is one
(worst possible practice). The overall seecg a n Index score is the aver-
age value of all seven segments with 1 being the lowest index value and
10 being the maximum.

The research sample totals 22 companies with their shares listed on
the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, d.d. The samples are divided into two
parts. The first part represents the prime quotation of the most prof-
itable companies with the highest traded shares: Gorenje, d.d., Ve-
lenje, Intereuropa, d.d, Koper, Krka, d.d., Novo mesto, Luka Koper,
d.d., Koper, n k b m, d.d., Maribor, Petrol, d.d., Ljubljana, p s Merca-
tor, d.d., Ljubljana, Telekom Slovenije, d.d., Ljubljana, Zavarovalnica
Triglav, d.d. The second group of companies represents the standard
quotation of companies with a higher level of transparency: Abanka
Vipa, d.d., Aerodrom Ljubljana, d.d., Delo prodaja, d.d., Iskra Avtoelek-
trika, d.d., Istrabenz, holdinška družba, d.d., Kompas Mejni turistični
servis, d.d., Mlinotest živilska industrija, d.d., Nika, d.d., Pivovarna
Laško, d.d., Pozavarovalnica Sava, d.d., Sava, d.d., Terme Čatež d.d.,
Unior, d.d. (Djokić et al. 2014).

To be able to elaborate the csr Index in the framework of the seec-
g a n Index in Slovenia for the above scientific sample, the following
criteria have been scrutinised:

• Does the company have and publically disclose a csr strategy?
• Are the c s r principles explicitly mentioned in the company’s

value statement or other similar statement?

   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62