Page 58 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 58
Danila Djokić

• Has the company joined or does it publicly support c s r volun-
tary standards or interest groups such as the Global Compact, The
Equator Principles, Voluntary Principles on Security and Human
Rights or Industry Best Practice, or other national/international
agreements related to environmental and social responsibility,

• Does the company disclose or publish any non-financial reports?

• Is the company’s csr Report prepared according to the u n Global
Compact, Global Reporting Initiative, B-Corporation or other in-
ternationally recognised reporting standards?

• Does the company have a code of ethics or a formal policy in rela-
tion to dishonesty, corruption or unethical behaviour?

• Did the company develop procedures for financing projects in the
local communities and company donations (are there public calls
or similar transparent procedures for the election of projects for

• Does the company have a board member/department whose pri-
mary responsibility is csr?

• Does the company hold special meetings to engage with stake-
holder groups to solicit their opinions in a formal way?

• Has the company incorporated csr issues into its purchasing pol-
icy/quality standards/supplier code of conduct?

The seecg a n Research (Djokić et al. 2014) showed that Zavaroval-
nica Triglav p l c has the highest s e e c g a n index of social respon-
sibility, which reached the value 10. The least points were awarded
to Kompas m t s p l c and Delo p l c, who did not receive any value.
Companies with lower results do not have members of the Supervisory
Board/Management Board responsible for Corporate Social Responsi-
bility, do not carry out meetings with interest groups, do not prepare
reports on corporate social responsibility and corporate social respon-
sibility is not listed as a fundamental value of the company. The seec-
g a n index of corporate social responsibility in Slovenian companies is
very poorly developed, as the average value is 3.66.

A good example of a company that has revealed its policy of corpo-
rate social responsibility is Telekom p l c. This company places an em-
phasis on corporate social responsibility. ‘Efforts in this field extend to
the broad field of social activities as we take an active role in various

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