Page 164 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 164
In Pursuit of Eco-innovation

(M = 5.95) and that products should meet the requirements of interna-
tional and/or EU environmental regulations (M = 5.89).

Table 31: Descriptive statistics for determinant Environmental policy instruments

N Mean St. Dev. Skew St. Err. Kurt St. Err.
Skew Kurt

Command-and-control instrument

Our products should

meet the requirements 223 5.99 1.547 -1.828 0.163 2.867 0.324
of national environ-

mental regulations.

Our products should

meet the requirements

164 of international and/or 223 5.89 1.577 -1.600 0.163 1.969 0.324
EU environmental reg-


Our production pro- 6.00 1.519 -1.845 0.163 2.990 0.324
cesses should meet the
requirements of nation- 223
al environmental reg-

Our production pro-

cesses should meet the

requirements of inter- 223 5.95 1.468 -1.578 0.163 2.080 0.324
national and/or EU

environmental regu-


Economic incentive instrument

The government pro- 223 4.00 1.649 0.188 0.163 -0.810 0.324
vides preferential subsi-
dies for environmental
innovation (availability
of government grants,
subsidies or other fi-
nancial incentives for
environmental inno-

The government pro- 223 3.43 1.699 0.540 0.163 -0.526 0.324
vides preferential tax
policies for environ-
mental innovation.

The government pro- 4.80 1.713 -0.368 0.163 -0.818 0.324
vides environmental
taxes – taxes on energy, 223
transport, pollution/re-
   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169