Page 369 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2018. Nova glasba v “novi” Evropi med obema svetovnima vojnama ?? New Music in the “New” Europe Between the Two World Wars. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 2
P. 369

to consider Osterc’s and Škerjanc’s creative endeavours within the common
context of Slovene music between the wars, a context that left more shared
traits in their work than we are usually prepared to admit.
Keywords: Slavko Osterc, Lucijan Marija Škerjanc, Slovenian music, 20th
Century music, musical poetics

Karmen Salmič Kovačič
On the polystylistic nature of classicist modernism
following the revelation of the “Adornian fallacy”
– in examples from the works of Demetrij Žebrè
The paper begins by looking at some key doubts about the Adornian mode
of thinking that shaped understanding of avant-gardism, traditionalism
and modernism throughout a lengthy period of the twentieth century in
the majority of theorists, philosophers, historians and creators of music. In
the post-modernist period, a clearer picture began to form of its nationa-
lly and ideologically conditioned construction of the musical history of the
twentieth century, or musical modernism, which various thinkers and wri-
ters today increasingly frequently identify as a „fallacy“. In the light of the
latest conception, „pluralist“ modernism is gaining clearer outlines in con-
trast to „constructivist pluralism“. One of its significant characteristics is its
polystylistic nature within the context of „broadly inclusive“ classicist mo-
dernism or modernist classicism. The latter two terms were introduced by
Hermann Danuser, who uses them to designate the broad current of mo-
dernist works by composers from the first half of the twentieth century who
incorporated elements of tradition into their works merely as the building
blocks of new music in a variety of ways and at various compositional le-
vels. In the second part of the paper we will attempt to present polystylism
as the consequence of the pluralism of compositional techniques through
analysis of a number of works by a Slovene composer from Osterc‘s circle –
Demetrij Žebrè (1912–1970).
Keywords: »Adornian fallacy«, classicist modernism, Slovenian music, the
20th century, Demetrij Žebrè

Lubomír Spurný
Work and performance: A few comments
on the Czech modern music
The study describes development of performance in the Czech music. For
example, composer and pianist Erwin Schulhoff, Karel Reiner, Alois Hába,

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