Page 386 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2018. Nova glasba v “novi” Evropi med obema svetovnima vojnama ?? New Music in the “New” Europe Between the Two World Wars. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 2
P. 386
nova glasba v »novi« evropi med obema svetovnima vojnama

Fachbeirat für das Gebiet Österreich/20. Jahrhundert), des New Grove Dic-
tionary sowie des Historischen Wörterbuchs der Rhetorik. Leiter der 2016
mit den ersten Bänden erscheinenden Kritischen Gesamtausgabe der Schrif-
ten Arnold Schönbergs.

Primož Kuret (
finished grammar school in Ljubljana in 1954 and graduated at the Acade-
my of Music (music history) and at the Faculty of Arts (art history) in 1959.
In 1960 he won the Student Prešeren Award. In 1965 he received his doc-
torate, later he became assistant professor (1978), associate professor (1983)
and finally full professor in 1988 – in the fields of world music history and
history of Slovene music – at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. He was
head of the Department of Music Education several times, between 1993
and 2001 he was deputy dean of the Academy of Music, between 2000 and
2004 he was president of the Slovene Musico- logical Society. He was edi-
tor of Revija GM (Jeunesses Musicales) from 1973 till 1987, for a number of
years he was chairing different boards, a member of Steering Commi- ttee
of the Prešeren Fund and the president of its jury for music. Between 2001
and 2005 he was head of the National Committee for the Renewal of Mu-
sical Education. In 1986 – together with the composer M. Stibilj – he es-
tablished the Slovene Music Days that are each year accompanied by an
international musicology symposium. He has received numerous awards,
the most important are: the Medal of Merit of the Czech Republic (1985),
honorary member of the Accademie Filarmonica di Bologna (2001), Be-
tetto Award (2003), Herder Prize in Vienna and the Cross of Honour for
Science and Art 1st Class, for accomplishments in the fields of musicology
(2005), National Award of the Republic of Slovenia for his life-work in Mu-
sical Education (2005), Mantuani Award (2006), the Order of Merit of the
Republic of Slovenia (2012). He partook in many international symposiums
where he introduced and represented Slovene mu- sic (Belgium, Bulgar-
ia, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Italy, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxem-
burg, Germany, Norway, Romania, Switzerland, Slovenia and Turkey). His
most important works include: Glasbeni instrumenti na srednjeveških fre-
skah v Sloveniji (1973), Glasbena Ljubljana 1899–1919 (1985) Glasba in druž-
ba (1988), Mahler in Ljubljana (1997 in 2011, the revised German translation
was published in 2001 in Vienna), Slovenska filharmonija – Academia phil-
harmonicorum 1701–2001 (2001), Zgodbe o glasbi in glasbenikih (2004), Slov-
enski skladatelji v portretih Saše Šantla (together with Verena Koršič Zorn,
2005), Ljubljanska filharmonična družba 1794–1919 (2005), 100 let Sloven-

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