Page 161 - Fink Babič, Sonja, Borut Kodrič, Roberto Biloslavo. 2018. Indeks okoljske uspešnosti in okoljsko poročanje podjetij predelovalne dejavnosti v Republiki Sloveniji. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 161
Summary 161

mental performance index of manufacturing companies in the Republic of

Obtained results of the analysis of the correlation between environ-
mental performance (for all three environmental indicators: hazardous
waste, COD-water and total dust-air) and the quality of environmental
reporting are not statistically significant. Based upon them, hypothesis
H was refuted. Therefore, our research has not confirmed socio-politi-
cal theories about the social and environmental disclosure of companies,
which set a negative correlation between the environmental performance
of companies and the quality of environmental reports. Neither it did af-
firm the theory of voluntary disclosure that positively correlates the en-
vironmental performance of companies and the quality of their environ-
mental reports. The results of our research confirmed the conclusions of
those researchers who had not identified a significant correlation between
the quality of environmental reporting and environmental performance.

In addition to clarifying that there is no existing correlation, the rea-
sons for the obtained result of our research can also be found in the fact
that the results of the analysis of the quality of environmental reporting
highlight the low level of quality of environmental reports by processing
companies in the Republic of Slovenia. The low quality of environmen-
tal reports, however, contributes to the fact that the calculated correla-
tion is not as tangible as it would have been if company reports were more
comprehensive, as it would provide more information in the reports and
therefore more data for analysis. The result of the connection might re-
main unchanged, but its relevance would be greater.

Recognizing the necessity to be aware that environmental indicators
do not cover the entire environmental impact of the company, but only a
representative selection, we selected the indicators for the assessment of
environmental performance. The Index of Environmental Performance
for the Environmental Indicators hazardous waste, COD-water and total
dust-air reflect a company’s environmental performance in terms of gen-
eral pollution. Our selection also has its shortcomings, which are particu-
larly noticeable in water and air indicators, as these, although among gen-
eral indicators, were not present in all companies from the entire sample,
and this resulted in a significant narrowing of the sample of companies
for analysis, which had its effect on the relevance of the research. General
environmental indicators cannot be integrated into the overall environ-
mental pollution of companies, which is also reflected in the discharge of
specific emissions. However, the elaboration of such an indicator would
only limit us to determining the environmental performance of compa-
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