Page 158 - Fink Babič, Sonja, Borut Kodrič, Roberto Biloslavo. 2018. Indeks okoljske uspešnosti in okoljsko poročanje podjetij predelovalne dejavnosti v Republiki Sloveniji. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 158
Indeks okoljske uspešnosti in okoljsko poročanje podjetij predelovalne dejavnosti

der to obtain information on the assessment of companies’ environmen-
tal performance. These rankings are prepared by different auditing agen-
cies. However, pre-processed data, classified in various indexes, or sorted
by a company’s ranking, are not without doubts, as auditing agencies use
many different approaches for various perceptions into the environmen-
tal performance of companies, and have different interests in this regard.

The contribution of our research is an original type of approach in
determining the environmental performance of companies, as it analyses
their emissions data. In this way, we set the objective of how to assess en-
vironmental performance based on original, i.e. raw and objective, pub-
licly available environmental data. For this purpose, based on individual
emissions data for air, water and waste, we have formed an Index of Envi-
ronmental Performance that indicates an approximation for the selected
158 emissions in a particular period.

Determination of environmental performance

We designed our own approach to determine environmental perfor-
mance. This approach enabled us to monitor the change in the value of
pollutants released by companies into the environment, and at the same
time, to use publicly available emissions data. Increasing (or decreasing)
the value of pollutants over a certain period of time, as a relative value in
relation to revenues, indicates the (in)efficiency of companies in resolv-
ing environmental problems, thus defining their environmental perfor-
mance. For that purpose, we created an Index of Environmental Perfor-
mance. Values in the Index of Environmental Performance higher than
1001 should be considered as low environmental performance2, while val-
ues in the Index lower than 100 should be considered as high environ-
mental performance. Since we wanted to monitor the dynamics of com-

1 We calculated the Index of Environmental Performance for hazardous waste, COD-water and
total dust-air. For a proper understanding of the importance of the Index of Environmental Per-
formance, it should be explained that a value of the Index of Environmental Performance greater
than 100 means that the company has increased emissions or the amount of waste in the analysed
four-year period and, therefore, the company was not environmentally successful for the specific
pollutant. A value of the Index of Environmental Performance lower than 100 indicates that the
company has reduced emissions or the amount of waste in the analysed period and, therefore, the
company was environmentally successful for the specific pollutant.

2 An example of environmental failure, where the average amount of hazardous waste increased in
the four-year period, is the example of the section C28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment
n.e.c. (9 companies); the average value of the Index of Environmental Performance for hazardous
waste was 115.19.
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