Page 157 - Fink Babič, Sonja, Borut Kodrič, Roberto Biloslavo. 2018. Indeks okoljske uspešnosti in okoljsko poročanje podjetij predelovalne dejavnosti v Republiki Sloveniji. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 157

The monograph determines the connection between the quality of en-
vironmental reporting and environmental performance of manufactur-
ing companies in the Republic of Slovenia. To determine environmental
performance, we designed our own Index of Environmental Performance,
and in assessing the quality of environmental reports of Slovenian com-
panies, we designed an original indicator-based model.

In researching the literature, we detected that the key issue in the as-
sessment of environmental performance by external stakeholders is in-
formation asymmetry, since customers, investors, those with public in-
terest, the media, non-governmental organizations and other external
stakeholders are not able to assess the efforts that companies put into
environmental issues because they do not have access to all relevant in-
formation. Researchers face the same problems. Some of them apply a
qualitative approach with in-depth interviews into studies on the envi-
ronmental performance of companies and try to obtain as much com-
prehensive information as possible as to what is actually going on within
them. At the same time, it is obvious that companies are rather reluctant
to release data about their environmental performance, mainly because
they are afraid of losing their reputation. However, other approaches ap-
ply objective environmental data to determine the environmental perfor-
mance of companies. However, because the data is almost impossible to
get, and the quantitative assessment of environmental performance re-
quires detailed environmental data, many authors rely on already estab-
lished indexes (e.g. Emissions Efficiency Index), i.e. previously designed
rankings of companies based on their environmental performance, in or-
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