Page 160 - Fink Babič, Sonja, Borut Kodrič, Roberto Biloslavo. 2018. Indeks okoljske uspešnosti in okoljsko poročanje podjetij predelovalne dejavnosti v Republiki Sloveniji. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 160
Indeks okoljske uspešnosti in okoljsko poročanje podjetij predelovalne dejavnosti

phasized in the literature, one of the advantages of environmental disclo-
sures is that the transparency of environmental management increases by
publishing environmental reports. It also increases the trust of stakehold-
ers, a company’s reputation in society, and it improves the dialogue be-
tween the company and public concerned.

Although internationally recognized guidelines for the creation of
sustainability reports, such as GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), have
been available since 2000 and are regularly updated, the indicators from
these and similar guidelines were not so useful for our research, because
the majority of Slovenian companies reported far below the requirements
set by these guidelines. In their research, Fink Babič and Biloslavo (2011,
2012) found that the content of Slovenian company reporting is poor,
not only in relation to diversity, but also in relation to the quality of in-
160 formation.

Therefore, we designed our own model for assessing the quality of
environmental reports for Slovenian companies. To assess the quality of
environmental reports, we designed a scheme with 27 indicators. Based
on an analysis of companies’ annual reports, this scheme should contrib-
ute to the most comprehensive assessment of the quality of their environ-
mental reporting. The expression “quality of environmental reporting”
indicates diversity and thoroughness of disclosed information in envi-
ronmental reports. In our research, we decided to analyze environmen-
tal reports published by companies within their annual business reports.
Indicators for the assessment of environmental reports are divided into
three groups. 1. Reporting on the activities of a company in order to reduce
environmental pollution at a strategic level. 2. Report on the endeavor of a
company to mitigate the environmental impact at an operational level. 3.
The reporting of companies on achieved environmental results. We evaluat-
ed the quality of environmental reporting by assigning the ratings 0, 1, 2,
and 3 to a particular indicator. Based upon the obtained ratings for the
27 indicators, we obtained a joint assessment of the report for each year
in the period 2008-2011 for each individual company. Then, we calculat-
ed the average quality of environmental reporting for the observed four
years together.


With the obtained results of environmental performance and quality of
environmental reporting, we wanted to verify hypothesis H: There is a con-
nection between the quality of environmental reporting and the environ-
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