Page 70 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 70
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 70 anese long-term care nursing homes described the differences between elder-
ly men and women on socio-economic, health and nutritional status. Data was
obtained from 221 residents; 148 (67 %) women and 73 (33 %) men, living in 36
nursing homes. The prevalence of malnutrition was 3.2 % and of risk of malnu-
trition 27.6 %. There was no statistically significant difference between women
and men on MNA (Doumit et al., 2014).

Guidelines for nutritional treatment vary across countries. Slovenia has
some guidelines for nutritional treatment in nursing homes, that are derived
from ESPEN guidelines. There are few main points of the guidelines. Nutrition
should be part of general care for elderly people in nursing homes (Volkert et
al., 2006). Nutrition screenings should be frequent. We must act as soon as we
notice a deviation from the normal (Volkert et al., 2006 and Kondrup et al.,
2003). Nutritional screening is performed in the elderly once a week. To screen
the nutritional status of the elderly, we use the MNA to identify malnutrition
and the risk of malnutrition (Kondrup et al., 2003).

Implementing nutritional support in nursing homes

At the beginning of our research in April 2017, we included 105 residents
and one nursing home. Initial screening showed 50.6 % of residents had normal
nutritional status, 29.2 % were at risk of malnutrition and 20.2 % were malnour-
ished. With the aim of improving the nutritional status of our residents, we im-
plemented some actions, presented in the second column of Table 1.

Table 1: Measures to improve nutritional status

ORGANIZATION OF NUTRI- In 2017, we employed a dietitian. In addition to nutritional screen-
TIONAL SUPPORT In 2017, we gradually implement- ing, more attention will be paid to
RECOGNITION AND MAN- ed nutritional screening. individual nutritional treatments.
AGEMENT OF MALNUTRI- In 2017, we set up an interdisci- We will transform the nutrition
TION plinary nutrition support team support team, so that it will in-
at each nursing home, consisting clude multiple new profiles (more
mostly of nursing staff, and work- active involvement of the doctor,
ing closely with a dietitian and a involvement of physiotherapists,
doctor. occupational therapists etc.).
In the last year, we have devot- Residents with identified malnu-
ed a lot of attention to interdisci- trition at admission will receive
plinary nutritional treatment and individual nutritional treatment.
screening for malnutrition across We will more often include a clin-
all our residents. ical dietitian in the departmental
expert meetings.
In April 2017, we implemented
routine nutritional screening at
admission and periodic screen-
ings for all residents.
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75