Page 71 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 71
We have created a data report- We will update the computer
TRAINING / EDUCATION ing system. nursing program so that it will in-
PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT We have created internal forms clude nutritional screening, indi-
EVALUATION OF NUTRITION that make ordering an appropri- vidual nutritional needs, the pre-
SUPPORT PRACTICES ate individual diet easier. scribed dietary therapy and other
We have created a unified work measures, the diagnosis with the
FOOD SUPPLY process for the implementation of established degree of malnutrition
nutritional screening and deter- and the monitored and valued in-
mining appropriate measures. take of food and liquid.

Training of nursing staff for the Education will include new
use of the MNA-SF® question- knowledge about the process of
naire was carried out. nutritional treatment with the
Nursing staff was educated for roles of individual members in it,
performing nutritional screening. decision making algorithms about
nutritional measures for individu-
al conditions and diseases. nutritional treatment of the elderly in nursing homes 71
Our work will be presented at sci-
entific conferences.
Participation in training and
workshops in the field of clinical
nutrition and food security.

We purchased scales for all nurs-
ing homes.
We purchased a body composi-
tion analyser.

We performed nutrition screen- We will participate in the nutri-
ing and reported on the nutrition tionDay worldwide project.
treatment to doctors and profes-
sional director.

We regularly evaluate the ener-
gy and nutritional composition
of menus. Due to the growing need for indi-
In the menus, corrective measures vidualized diets, we will increase
were taken to align them with the diversity of dishes offered, to
valid recommendations. enrich nutrition and to improve
We provided personalized and in- the process and organization of
dividual nutrition, and adapted work in our own kitchens.
food consistency for different lev- Critically, we will redefine profes-
els of dysphagia. sional requirements for ordering
Residents at risk for malnutri- enteral nutrition and associated
tion and malnourished residents feeding systems.
are provided with food for special
medical purposes.

We included one nursing home a month. In 11 months and across 7 nurs-
ing homes, 1310 residents were included. The strengths of our research lie in
the fact that it was carried out on a broad sample of subjects aged over 65 and
living in nursing homes, and that we used MNA as a nutritional screening as-
sessment instrument. This makes it easier to perform comparisons with oth-
er similar studies, considering the use of MNA in nursing homes is advised by
ESPEN. However, we are also aware of some limitations. We started out with a
small sample and added more nursing homes with time. Also, many subjects
changed during our study due to changes in nursing home, hospitalization,
new admissions and high mortality. In March 2018, nutritional screening was
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