Page 76 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 76
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 76 other tasks related to freedom of movement, expansion of living space
and an independent and autonomous life without the assistance of
Key words: elderly, women, regular exercise, motor skills, health.

In Slovenia, higher number of older people began to emerge when the gen-
erations born before and during the World War II started to retire. These
generations compared to today’s births are highly numerous and represent
a significant group of population due to social, societal, biological and econom-
ic factors. It is assumed that in Slovenia in 2020, there would be, according to
the data from 2009 around 19 % of people over 65 years old (Sedej, 2009), while
by the year 2050 39 % older than 60, among them 13,9 % over 80 (Vertot, 2008).
The main challenge of modern times has become the aging of the population.
It has become very important how the elderly spend their life after age of 65.
Movement and regular exercises are of great importance. It has been proven
that the impact of physical activity in old age (Oražem Grm, 2008) is reflected
by positive effects in cardio-vascular, muscular-skeletal as well as psycho-so-
cial components of health. Since aging changes physical appearance and phys-
ical abilities, the appropriate physical activity, such as for example walking, is
important to establish and enhance physical performance in old age.

Regular exercising (Mišigoj-Duraković et al., 2003) is important for
maintaining and improving the level of health, preventing the development
of non-infectious diseases at adults and the elderly, treating and rehabilitating
numerous acute and chronic diseases, maintaining the ability for independent
life in old age and increasing the functional abilities or physical fitness. It is an
effective method for overcoming stress, since it brings an enjoyable entertain-
ment and relaxation (Tušak, 2002).Daily activities, such as dressing, bathing,
walking, eating and maintenance of personal hygiene and instrumental activ-
ities such as cooking, shopping, washing, handling money, using the phone,
house tasks, cleaning, using means of transport, taking medication and other
activities related to independent life at home, are very important for function-
al qualifications (Finkel, 2003).

Although aging (Berčič, 2002) is an inevitable bio-physiological process,
the decline of physiological functions can be slowed down. Each individual
should, if it is in his power, take care of as slower aging as possible by daily
physical and sports-recreational engagement. Consideration should be given to
a type of activity, intensity, frequency, duration as well as gradual approach and
regularity of exercise. When choosing exercises, it is important that we find joy,
pleasure and stimulus in them, because only then we can persevere.

In the research, we were assessing the impact of regular exercising on better
and greater physical abilities in old age period; therefore, in 2006/07 we includ-
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