Page 121 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 121
Didactic Strategies in the Function
of Developing Intellectual Talents
of Gifted Students

Aleksandar Stojanović
University of Belgrade, Serbia

The theme data are analysed from different perspectives based on the findings
of wider exploratory research in which the influence of didactic strategies on
the development of intellectual abilities of gifted students was studied. The
article tested hypothesis related to the importance of certain didactic strate-
gies for the development of metacognitive and creative competences of stu-
dents. The sample was made up of 112 students of master pedagogy studies
in Serbia whose average in studies is over 9.00. Students have shown greater
need for the following methods: research method, interpretation, evaluation,
academic presentation, practical work, creating new ideas, finding new proce-
dures, self-reflexive learning, storming ideas, comparisons, interactive learn-
ing, self-organized learning, learning by discovery, problem learning, com-
paring data, problem statement, formulation of concepts, summarizing ideas,
ask questions, find examples on the Internet and in literature, writings, refer-
ences to interesting details, explanation of positions, the debate on the sub-
ject, thinking confrontation, talking about the pre-set problems. The possibil-
ities of innovating teaching and learning strategies at the higher education
level were analysed especially by examining the application of the method of
discourse that seeks to contribute the goals of emancipatory didactics.

Keywords: gifted students, didactic strategies, intellectual abilities

So far, the results of the reforms in higher education and the intentions of the
Bologna Process are not as visible in the development of students’ compe-
tences as in structural changes, which are oriented towards the coherence
of the European Higher Education Area. Substantial changes in higher ed-
ucation that directly contribute to the quality of studies are not yet suffi-
ciently manifest, although they were expected to make a significant contri-
bution to the achievement of creative and undogmatic thinking among stu-
dents, including gifted, their abilities to accept plurality of ideas, tolerance of
uncertainty in cognitive sense, and in conceptual initiative, innovation and
readiness to take risks (Ðurišić-Bojanović, 2008, p. 45). In practice, with the
advancement of reforms it becomes more and more clear that the reform

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