Page 123 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 123
Didactic Strategies in the Function of Developing Intellectual Talents of Gifted Students

ogy encouraged didactics to seek for mechanisms in which capabilities could
be better understood and developed into cognition, by accepting the con-
textual approach to intellectual abilities (Sternberg, 1988). Research findings
stating that specialized knowledge of students, and use of cognitive strate-
gies and self-regulation have a significant impact on academic learning (Go-
jkov, Gojkov-Rajić, & Stojanović, 2014; Sternberg, 1988).

According to many authors conclusions (Heller, 2000, as cited in Gojkov
et al., 2014), gifted individuals can differ from average individuals, because
they use essential information to solve problems, their comparing processes
are faster, due to their competence in processing information, and focus on
problem coding and more carefully problem analyze. The gifted use more
and better strategies for solving problems from various fields, they quickly
replace less appropriate strategies with more favourable strategies, and their
cognitive monitoring is better (Robinson, 1993; Shore & Kanevsky, 1993; Wald-
mann & Weinert, 1990; all as cited in Gojkov et al., 2014; Sternberg, 1988).

The link between ability and realized (executive) intelligence is considered
by metacognition (Flavel & Felman, as cited in Gojkov et. al., 2014). This ability
contributes the respect of conceptual mechanisms taking into consideration
self-organization learning and interdependence. Therefore, the significance
of metacognition is viewed through its impact on the operability and mo-
bility of possessed knowledge, and this qualifies as an element that enables
more effective self-regulation of learning, which today is considered to be
significant cognitive competence. The term metacognition or metamemory
refers to knowledge of the capacity/efficiency and function of the memory
of a person or the whole cognitive.

Metacognition implies cognitive processes that choose adequate cogni-
tive strategies, which execute and control them in relation to their effective-
ness (Sternberg, 1988). All this helps to realize the ability, or to turn them
into executive or realized intelligence. It is important to point out that the
metacognitive processes are in the direct function of exercising capabilities
and as such have an important role in recent theories of intelligence and gift-
edness (Sternberg, 1988). Research confirms the reciprocal of intellectual and
metacognitive abilities and problem solving, leading to the conclusion that
success in solving the problem is accompanied by high abilities (Stojanović
& Gojkov, 2016).

The theoretical basis of the research, which is further presented, is the
emancipatory didactics, which is considered open due to changing perspec-
tives – from teachers to students and competences to be acquired (Zervakis &
Wahler, 2007, as cited in Kruse, 2011). This change of perspective presupposes

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