Page 122 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 122
ksandar Stojanović

essentially involves the structural and organizational side, with the conse-
quences that, from the perspective of higher education didactics, reforms
are opposed to the development of the quality of science and studies. The
foreseen task of higher education institutions is to develop more innovation
strategies related to the organization of learning contents, teaching materi-
als and teaching methods (Eberhardt, 2010).

There is a need for new didactic impulses to mitigate criticism, such as
the very negative estimates of Conrad Paul Lisman in his Theory of Non-
education (Lissmann, 2006). Similarly, assessments of the achievement of
reform intentions in Serbia relate to the reduction of the level of require-
ments in academic studies, the limitation of professors and students by the
scope of studies, by the number of ECTS, the narrowing of areas into mod-
ules, semesters, etc., emphasizes the negative side of functional knowledge,
technocratic approach to knowledge. Expert assessments emphasize the ne-
cessity of developing quality of higher education didactics and studying is-

Higher education didactics emphasize stronger focus on learning and
teaching in function of self-organized learning of students, self-responsive
and self-determined characteristics which would enable gifted students to
fully develop skills in line with current social trends. It would be necessary to
integrate the aspects of emancipatory didactics into the formulation of study
directions, with particular attention to the fact that the content of university
studies is generated from the research. Therefore there is a need of didac-
tic transformation by the teaching scientist himself, in order to establish the
emancipatory ‘culture of learning and teaching.’

Higher education didactics continue to examine their concepts, and within
them, teaching methods, because they are directly related to the quality of
studies. Within this, a significant place belongs to intellectual abilities, cre-
ativity and metacognition as indicators of the level of quality of higher edu-
cation. Higher education didactics is expected to focus more intensively on
emancipatory approaches of learning in terms of creating a ‘quality of knowl-
edge,’ with the ‘quality’ concept that must be contextualized. The autonomy
of learning and development can not be standardized,

Contextual Approach to the Intellectual Abilities of Gifted
and Didactic Strategies
In the last decades, the cognitive system and its development are viewed as a
self-modifying system, and learning is most often viewed from the same per-
spective as self-regulated learning. This perspectives in pedagogical psychol-

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