Page 126 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 126
ksandar Stojanović

lated to the critical thinking skills and others that fall into the set of compe-
tences implied by the concept of intellectual autonomy.

In the factor analysis of didactic instructions effective for provoking meta-
statements and creative reactions, 10 factors were found in which the ob-
served instructions were categorized. Their contents could be classified un-
der the following names: classification, information control, error analysis,
encouragement of flexible approaches, explanation formulation, returning
to the given information, analysis of significant moments, assessment of the
possibility of reaching the goal, review of previous strategies, forms and ad-
ditional thinking about relationships and situation.

Gifted students estimate that their professors do not pay enough atten-
tion to their intellectual autonomy because they do not use sufficiently di-
dactic strategies and methods that stimulate competences that are at the
heart of scientific, critical thinking, which encourage the use of indepen-
dence in thinking and decision making. Students argue that they do not get
enough opportunity to learn how to solve problems and make decisions in
the broader options of choice and in discussions and other techniques of
inciting autonomy. Achieved competencies with higher average values are
mainly those that are significant for intellectual functioning but are not di-
rectly related to explains intellectual autonomy and relate to: knowledge of
basic concepts, understanding of facts, giving explanations of events.

The possibilities of innovating teaching and learning strategies at the
higher education level were analysed especially by examining the applica-
tion of the method of discourse (Gojkov & Stojanović, 2011; Stojanović, Go-
jkov, & Babić-Kekez, 2013). This method was analysed because it is suitable for
the realization of the goals of emancipatory didactics – teaching takes place
in way that students are directed towards self-organized searching for infor-
mation, students independently obtain information for making conclusions,
with teacher mentoring in function of student emancipatory potential.

The research carried out in 2011 had an exploratory character, with the
intention to consider the possibilities and the effects of discourse applica-
tion as a method of instruction in higher education teaching (Gojkov & Sto-
janović, 2011). The question underlying the research refers to the following:
how students assess discourse as a method of instruction, aiming at obtain-
ing the evaluation of the effects of discourse as a method of instruction. The
effects of the method implementation have been considered through cog-
nitive reactions of students in learning and teaching situations observed in
the discourse. The results of this research contribute by developing different
methods of the discourse acceptance as a instruction method by students,

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