Page 132 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 132
ksandar Stojanović

are not developed (sufficiently), and their motivation is not intrinsic (learn-
ing for points and grades, from sketches, theses, and in some cases even by
implication). Students, unaccustomed to self-organized learning, searching
for answers, asking questions and their argumentation, feel uncomfortable
in discussions in the group. So, for that reason it could be concluded that
method of discourse was not accepted in this mentioned group of students.
That students do not take enough ability of self-organized learning. The pre-
vious findings point to the conclusion that the realization of the Bologna pro-
cess can contribute to essential didactic-methodical innovations for learning
approaches, taking into account complex cognitive structures such as cog-
nitive style. The characteristics of the cognitive style that relate to students’
satisfaction with the method of discourse and their successful cognitive re-
actions are: independence, attention selection, unconventional reinterpre-
tation, convergent production, flexible control, divergent production, imag-
ination, creative generalization, discrepancy tolerance.

Gifted students should focus on effective self-learning that results in the de-
velopment of intellectual abilities and autonomy. Therefore, in higher ed-
ucation it is necessary to insist on student participation, co-decision, re-
search and interdisciplinarity as elements of emancipatory learning. Em-
pirical checks of the scope and limitations of the application of innovative
potentials of modern methods in higher education (Gojkov, 2013; Gojkov et
al., 2015), from the point of stimulating the metacognitive abilities of gifted
students and intellectual autonomy, support the conclusion that metacog-
nitive approaches to learning of gifted students related to ICT technology
in the process of self-study and research procedures. This is particularly ev-
ident in the application of the discourse method, as students consider it
more effective than classical academic presentations, because they can do
a lot of research, independently access information by networking with stu-
dents around the world, consulting in the search for resources etc. The im-
portance of ICT technology contributes to the development of intellectual
autonomy of gifted students, as they have the opportunity to prepare orig-
inal arguments for new angles of questions that are asked, or which they
set themselves, for discussions in lectures, exercises, and seminars. Thus, the
boundaries are being erased and it enables the realization of the idea of par-
ticipative epistemology in the attainment of learning, and this opens up the
path to enabling autonomy and self-regulated learning. The gifted are aware
of this and use that commonly.

Gifted students in their expectations have emphasized the greater need

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