Page 129 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 129
Didactic Strategies in the Function of Developing Intellectual Talents of Gifted Students

Figure 1

19. Theory analysis and finding way of its application
20. Examples for argumentation of theories
21. Making conclusions
22. Examples for the application of concepts
23. Notional analysis
24. Argumentation
25. Perception of regularities
26. Making a list of characteristic features
27. Comparison of texts
28. Discovery of new ideas
29. Attributing new meanings to data
30. Condensation of main ideas
The dendogram shows the formed clusters clearly indicating that 6 sets
of relations between satisfaction with a discourse and cognitive reactions of
students within a discourse have been identified. Just like in the previous
procedures of analysis, the most emphasized one is the explorative group (7,
28, 29, 30, 45, 26), closely connecting statements showing satisfaction with a

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