Page 130 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 130
ksandar Stojanović

possibility to research, as well as that within research discourse the following
cognitive reactions were pronounced: attributing new meanings to data, con-
densation of main ideas in unusual and new way, possibility of expressing one’s
own ideas, thoughts . . . Even though from the angle of frequency the group
is smaller, it still remains the most clearly expressed as a correspondent re-
lation between the expression of satisfaction and cognitive reactions that
could be classified under a category practical side (1, 9, 8, 10). Furthermore,
the variables that could be classified under the category of dissatisfied were
also grouped beyond dispute (1, 9, 8, 10), followed by the group manifested
through the expression of discontent with a discourse (11, 13, 14, 15, 12); this
is where it connects with the level of argumentation in the cognitive aspect
(18, 19, 20, 17). Furthermore, other clearly grouped variables are classified at
the stage of analysis (2, 26, 24, 27, 23) and at the level of application (3, 22, 16,
6, 21).

The findings seem to lead to a conclusion that a discourse as a instruc-
tion method in higher education teaching is well accepted, since the stu-
dents expressed positive attitude towards their statements, i.e. a great deal
of positive statements refers to positive sides of a discourse as a method of
instruction. The general picture of identifying the aspect convening to them
is positive and refers to the satisfaction due to the classes being interesting,
motivational aspect of a discourse, possibility to research, express one’s own
personal opinions and attitudes, etc. This very statement is sufficient for a
claim that a discourse can be considered a suitable method of instruction at
higher education level. Beyond this it could be concluded that participatory
approach permeating a discourse as a method of instruction seems to be
the reason for students’ satisfaction. That confirm the ideas of participative
epistemology in approaches to learning and open way towards encourage-
ment of autonomy and self-regulated learning, as basic elements of eman-
cipatory didactics and cognitive functioning characterised by flexibility, cre-
ativity, readiness for risk-taking.

The students with more emphasized cognitive autonomy, research and
creative approaches, as a rule, were achieved higher number of points, i.e.
they were more successful and had higher achievements.

There is a group of gifted students (whose average in studies is over 9.00)
unambiguously identified as those who express satisfaction with a discourse
due to possibility to explore, be independent, free, etc. and that they were
actually those who manifested success in the form of creative cognitive re-
actions. This could further mean that a discourse as a method of instruc-
tion suits them best and that other students need additional work in order

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