Page 133 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 133
Didactic Strategies in the Function of Developing Intellectual Talents of Gifted Students

for teaching methods and didactic constructions that stimulate curiosity,
good information, verifiability of reason, openness of thought, flexibility,
confrontation of personal prejudices, caution in decision-making, willing-
ness to reconsider, clarity in questions, order in complex matters, diligence
in searching for relevant information, responsibility in classifying criteria,
focusing on search and persistence in seeking solutions, experiment plan-
ning, generalizing findings, evaluating products, applying ideas, expressing
sceptical thinking, natural-scientific thinking, expressing cross-thinking and
expression self-reflexive thinking. All this indicates that gifted students feel
the importance of cognitive competence, as well as affective dispositions
- they understand the importance of the processual and dispositional side
of critical thinking. It could be concluded that higher education teachers
should work with gifted students to apply strategies, methods and instruc-
tions that will be formulated by intellectually autonomous individuals who
think critically.

Also, gifted students respond to the creation of a culture of discussion in
higher education in which they will be able to partner in professional discus-
sions to develop their intellectual potentials, critical thinking, metacognitive
abilities, creativity, etc.

The participatory approach, which is basically the discourse behind the
manifest satisfaction of most gifted students, confirms the ideas of partici-
patory epistemology in learning approaches and opens the way to fostering
autonomy and self-regulated learning, as the basic elements of emancipa-
tory didactics and cognitive functioning that should be characterized by flex-
ibility, creativity, readiness to take risks. Findings also point to the conclusion
that it is necessary to individualize approaches because method of discourse
is not accepted in the same way and range by all students.


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