Page 142 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 142
uška Željeznov Seničar and Borut Seničar

Table 5 Method of Identifying Potential Gifted Preschool Children

Country Yes No Total
f f% f f%  f%
 .
Croatia  .  .  .
Slovenia  .  .

Total  .  .

the perceptions of giftedness might be the result of a difference in the way
that identification of gifted preschool children is understood. The concept of
identification is a wide one and can encompass different activities, including
observation techniques, interviews and measuring instruments (tests).

Do You Identify Potentially Gifted Children in the Course of Your Work? Poten-
tially gifted preschool children were identified by 51.87 of respondents
(48.13 of respondents did no such identification). A comparative analysis
indicates that more teachers engage in the identification of potential gift-
edness in Croatia than in Slovenia (67.74 vs 41.89). Within Slovenia, more
teachers do not identify than identify potentially gifted children (58.11).
The concept of identification is a wide one and can encompass different
activities, including observation techniques, interviews and measuring in-
struments (tests). Respondents mentioned various approaches to identify-
ing giftedness: observation, monitoring a child’s development and recording
their progress, enriched study programmes, collaboration with external ex-
perts, observation checklists, questionnaires and cooperation with parents.

How Do You Perceive Your Role in Identifying Potentially Gifted Preschool Chil-
dren? Of the respondents, 48.96 said their role was important, 29.46 said
it was more important and 14.94 said it was very important. A comparative
analysis between the two countries shows that teachers regard their role in
identifying gifted preschool children as important, and that there are no ma-
jor differences between Croatian and Slovenian teachers in this regard.

How Do You Perceive the Role of Parents in Identifying Potential Giftedness
in Their Preschool Child? Across the range of respondents, teachers saw par-
ents as having a more important role in identifying the potential giftedness
of their preschool child than their own. A comparative analysis shows that
Croatian teachers are more inclined than Slovenian teachers to see parents
as having a more important role.

How Do You Perceive Your Ability to Identify Potential Giftedness in a Preschool
Child? With regard to their ability to identify a potentially gifted child, 73.86

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