Page 144 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 144
uška Željeznov Seničar and Borut Seničar

Table 9 Assessment of Work with Potentially Gifted Preschool Children

Country No work is Work is only The We work Total
done with rarely done importance of systematically
with gifted working with f f%
gifted preschool at the  .
preschool gifted kindergarten  .
children children preschool  .
children is to identify
slowly being gifted
children and

work with

f f% f f% f f% f f%

Croatia  .  .  .  .

Slovenia  .  .  .  .

Total  .  .  .  .

Table 10 Assessment of Work with Gifted Preschool Children

Country Legislation Approaches to Teaching Teaching Education
identification approaches materials
M SM SM SM S . .
. .
Croatia . . . . . . . . . .

Slovenia . . . . . . . .

Total . . . . . . . .

of respondents stated that they were usually able to do so, 16.6 stated that
they were always able to do so and 9.54 stated that they had difficulty do-
ing so. A comparative analysis shows that 80.65 of Croatian teachers and
69.59 of Slovenian teachers regard themselves as being able to identify a
potentially gifted child.

How Do You Assess the Work Performed in Your Kindergarten with Potentially
Gifted Preschool Children? In Slovenia and Croatia together, 52.28 of teach-
ers stated that no systematic work was performed with potentially gifted
preschool children, 27.8 stated that work was rarely performed and 11.2
stated that the importance of work with potentially gifted children was
slowly being recognised. A comparative analysis shows that 10.81 of Slove-
nian teachers believe that they work with potentially gifted preschool chil-
dren in a systematic manner, compared with only 5.38 of Croatian teachers.

Needs of Kindergarten Teachers in Working with Potentially Gifted Children At
the level of the study as a whole, teachers expressed the greatest need for
training in identifying and working with potentially gifted preschool chil-

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