Page 35 - S. Ličen, I. Karnjuš, & M. Prosen (Eds.). (2019). Women, migrations and health: Ensuring transcultural healthcare. Koper, University of Primorska Press.
P. 35
Sexual and Reproductive Health as an Indicator of Social Integration

one? If so, to whom and at what age’ most (88) replied that they had
not been promised to anyone, but nine of those interviewed admitted that
their marriage had been pre-arranged and organized by the family. Among
these are Pakistani, Bengalese, Kosovan, and two African women. Of the nine
women who admitted they had been promised to someone, only two named
those responsible (family and parents) and one Cameroonian woman admit-
ted she had been promised when she was only three years old.

‘Traditions’ in many cultures are based on patriarchal models that strongly
influence the sexual and reproductive health, and more generally speak-
ing the self-determination, of migrant women. In migratory processes, loy-
alty to one’s cultural community of origin and to the system of values in
one’s traditional social organization does not change very easily. The role of
women, which is crucial in processes of social inclusion, remains secondary.
It is therefore extremely important to measure the degree of integration of
a community by means of new tools including the concept of women’s self-
determination which is expressed first and foremost through the woman’s
ability to manage her sexuality and reproductive functions.

The INTEGRA research project shows that the interviewees are totally de-
pendent on their husbands and live a sort of parallel life while being excluded
by the host society. Family is their one and only environment for action. In-
tegration is a mere illusion.

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