Page 97 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 97
le 1: The percentage of daily energy and nutrient intake for a child
(4 years) or a teenager (13 - 15 years) with a portion of food from the
nutritional category Meat and fish products

Product Age Portion Energy Fat Salt
Perutnina Ptuj Years 50 % % %
Pepe mini pašteta 4 10 27 101
Dino Piščančji 50 6 16 75
medaljončki 13 - 15 7 8 62
4 4 5 47

13 - 15

Cereals are food that many children eat for breakfast every day. They are evaluation of the nutrient profiles of foods targeting children 95
part of healthy diet and a great source of dietary fibre for children. Nutritional
Guidelines determine that cereals with appropriate nutrient profile contain less
than 10 grams of fat, less than 15 grams of sugar and less than 1.2 grams of salt
per 100 grams of food. At the same time they need to contain at least 6 grams
of dietary fibre per 100 grams of food.

The results of the analysis showed that none of the randomly chosen
breakfast cereals were suitable for everyday consumption, mainly because of
the high sugar content. As many as 11 of the total of 12 examined products con-
tained too much sugar, ranging from 19 - 33 g per 100 g, for which a red light
would appear at the food traffic lights. Also, one product contained too much
salt (2.18 g per 100 g) and five products contained too little dietary fibre. The
selected breakfast cereals are therefore not suitable for daily consumption and
should only be included on children’s menu occasionally.

In Figure 3, we compared more in detail two breakfast cereal products,
consumption of which should not be encouraged. One product had the best
and the other the least adequate nutrient profile. We compared the amount
of daily intake of energy and nutrients that children (4 years old) or teenagers
(13 - 15 years old) get with one serving (30 g), compared to the recommended
amount of daily intake of energy and nutrients. A child with a portion of Kel-
log’s Tresor cereals consumes as much as 24 % of the safe daily amount of sug-
ar, and teenager 14 %. Given the sugar content, the Zlato polje Corn flakes have
a more appropriate nutrient profile. With one serving of this cereal, child con-
sumes 7 % of the recommended daily intake of simple sugars and the teenag-
er only 4%. We also need to pay attention to the salt intake, since it is present
in high values in many products. With one portion of Zlato polje Corn flakes
a child consumes 63 %, and the teenager 47 % of the recommended daily in-
take of salt. As mentioned earlier, breakfast cereals are also important source
of dietary fibre, which have a beneficial effect on health. However, the two se-
lected cereals have dietary fibre content below the value determined by the Nu-
tritional Guidelines. A child or teenager consumes only 4 to 12 % of the recom-
mended daily amount of dietary fibre in one portion of cereals (Ministrstvo za
zdravje, 2004).
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