Page 163 - Gošnik, Dušan. 2019. Management temeljnih procesov: instrumentalni in interesni vpliv na uspešnost podjetij. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 163
Summary 163

and compulsory settlement proceedings were not included. The sample
was 163 SMEs in Slovenia.

We used an online questionnaire for collecting the data. We develo-
ped it by examining the literature in the theoretical part of the research.
The questionnaire consisted of closed-ended questions. It consisted of se-
veral themed sections. A foreword for company directors, as well as an
explanation of the survey and instructions for its completion was inclu-
ded in the introduction to the questionnaire. The first section dealt with
the factor “core process management” in the company (the type of core
process and its interest and instrumental point of view). In the second
section, we brought together the data from the company and respondent
(the performance of the company in relation to the main competitor in
the industry, the industry, number of employees, the type of company,
the highest level of education of the respondent, the current position
of the respondent in the company, and the company name). Most im-
portantly, the last question in the questionnaire was about the company
name. We needed it so as to be able to obtain further, up-to-date, secon-
dary ROA, ROE, EVA and BON data. We obtained the secondary data
ourselves from the public GVIN business database for the previous five
years of operations for those companies, which filled out the survey qu-
estionnaire. Regarding the type of questions, we included factual ones.
Respondents provided ratings of agreement in relation to claims made.
In order to obtain the widest possible range of answers, we avoided the
use of “YES” and “NO” answer types. We used the six-point Likert scale.

The variables, included in the questionnaire, were ordinal, numeri-
cal and nominal. An ordinal variable enables, at best, the arrangement
of units by size. We used ordinals for measuring the interest and instru-
mental aspects of planning, organizing, leading and controlling of core
processes. We used numerical variables to measure the financial perfor-
mance of a company, as per their ROA, ROE and EVA. We used nomi-
nal variables to measure the overall performance of the company, as per
their BON.

An empirical survey contains a quantitative manner of collecting
data by means of a survey questionnaire and the statistical processing of
the collected data. We carried out the research on the influences on com-
pany performance in this research with the assistance of already used me-
asuring instruments. In researching the influences of individual factors
in relation to the management of core processes, on the basis of research
literature as well as sources, we developed our own measuring instrument
(measuring interest and instrumental aspects of the management of core
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