Page 162 - Gošnik, Dušan. 2019. Management temeljnih procesov: instrumentalni in interesni vpliv na uspešnost podjetij. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 162
Management temeljnih procesov

mon characteristics of core processes coincide with the definition of the
core capabilities of a company and are: (1) core processes must have an
identifiable benefit for customers; (2) core processes must be difficult to
copy: (3) core processes must not be able to be replaced by other soluti-
ons. Within the company’s core business processes, we include: new pro-
duct development, service development, product manufacturing, service
execution, product marketing, customer support, customer communica-
tion, order fulfilment and the development of manufacturing capacity.
The performance of a company as well as its continued growth and exis-
tence depends on the effectiveness of core processes.

A problematic area this research focuses on how core process manage-
ment, which encompasses the activities of planning, organizing, leading,
and controlling, influences the performance of a company. We designed a
162 model of the relationships between selected factors, developed hypothes-
es and in the empirical part, verified their validity. In particular, we emp-
hasized the interest and instrumental aspect of core process management.

The interest aspect emphasizes the organization as a community of
interests and stems from a wider social concept of the purpose of the or-
ganization, whereby the organization flourishes, if it functions in accor-
dance with the interests of both external (customers, suppliers, and par-
tners) as well as internal (employees and management) participants. The
instrumental aspect emphasizes the organization as a means of achieving
goals because it is subordinate to the interests of its owners and founders.
Because the study of the influence of process management on the com-
pany performance is complex due to the large number of factors, we de-
veloped a relationship model between the selected aspects of the mana-
gement of core processes and company performance. We were not able to
capture all of them in the research at the same time. Consequentially, we
included only selected factors (the management of core processes), which
we assumed to have an influence on company performance. In the resear-
ch, we addressed their connections as a model. We selected the factors on
the basis of an examination of literature and sources in the theoretic part
of the research. We formulated our hypotheses on the identified research
gaps, and in accordance with the purpose and objectives of the research.

The target population in our survey were small and medium-sized
companies (SME), which during our research, were in the public databa-
se of business entities (AJPES), with headquarters in the Republic of Slo-
venia. In our research we included sole proprietors entrepreneurs (SP), li-
mited liability companies (LLC), unlimited liability companies (ULC)
and joint stock companies (JSC). Companies in liquidation, bankruptcy
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