Page 129 - Biloslavo, Roberto in Maja Uran Maravić, ur. 2019. Navtična industrija in trajnostni poslovni modeli: primer Slovenije. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 129
lov projekta/Project Title: iBLUE – Investing in sustainable blue growth and
competitiveness through 3-Pillar Business Model
Vodilni partner/Lead Partner: Universita' di Udine
Projektni Partnerji/Project Partners: Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za ma-
nagement in Fakulteta za turistične študije – Turistica; STEP RI Science and
Technology Park of the University of Rijeka Ltd; Groupe Kedge Business School;
Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Shipping of Seville; Cyprus Cham-
ber of Commerce and Industry; Lasithi Chamber of Commerce RCDI – Develo-
pment and Innovation Network; Durres Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Managemet;
Projekt iBlue je sofinanciran iz evropskih sredstev za regionalni razvoj v okviru
programa Interreg Mediterranean. Skupna vrednost projekta: 2.252.855,00 eur. /
The project is co-financed by the European Regonal Fund within Interreg Medi-
terranean. Total project value: 2.252.855,00 eur.
Vsebina publikacije ne odraža nujno uradnih stališč Evropske unije. Za vsebino
publikacije je/so odgovoren/-ni izključno avtor/-ji. / The content of this publica-
tion does not necessarily reflect the official positions of the European Union. The
responsibility for the content of this publication belongs to the author(s).
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