Page 260 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik I (2005), številki 1-2, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 260
Luka Ilić
Bullinger’s Influence on the Reformation in Slovenia
Heinrich Bullinger kept an active correspondence with Primus Trub er
(1508–1586), who was a Lutheran superintendent in the city of Laibach and
with Pietro Paolo Vergerio (1497–1565) of Capodistria. Drawing on this cor
respondence and elaborating on Oskar Sakrausky’s work Theologische Einflüsse
Bullingers bei Primus Truber (in Ulrich Gäbler and Erlaud Herkenrath ed., Heinrich
Bullinger 1504–1575: Gesammelte Aufsätze zum 400. Todestag, 2, Zürich 1975) this
paper establishes Bullinger’s inf luence on Truber’s doctrine of the sacraments
and also shows to what extent Bullinger was responsible for stopping the spread
of Flacianism (teachings of the Croatian-born reformer, Matthias Flacius Il
lyricus) in Slovenia.
In the summer of 1550 Truber published his Slovenian Catechism and to
it he appended Flacius’s theological work On the word Faith (De Vocabulo Fidei)
from 1549. This work appeared also as an appendix to Truber’s translation of
the New Testament in 1557 and in his 1562 tenets of faith. Soon afterwards,
however, Truber tried to avoid Flacius even though there was a strong pressure
from Truber’s colleagues Krelj and Klombner on the ministerium of Laibach to
officially adopt the Gnesio-Lutheran positions. One reason why Slovenia did not
turn completely Flacian was Bullinger’s constant attempt at stopping it. He not
only wrote to Truber against the Illyrian but also influenced the only existing
Slavic Protestant press based in Urach in the province of Württemberg not to
publish Flacius’s works and not to accept Flacius as an adviser in translating and
publishing Slovene and Croatian books.
Apart from corresponding with Truber and Vergerio, Bullinger sent them his
works for reading. Some of Bullinger’s views, especially traces of his interpreta
tion of the Lord’s Supper, can be found in Truber’s own writings. In 1563 Truber
was charged for propagating Zwinglianism by Jakob Andreae (1528–1590), who
reported him to Duke Christoph (1515–1568) and the ducal court in Württem
berg. This illustrates that certain aspects of Reformed theology found their way
into Slovenia via Zürich and influenced Protestantism there.
Franc Kuzmič
Prekmurje Protestants in 18th century
The 18th century was a period in which protestants of the Lutheran and Re
formed confessions had to retreat from Prekmurje due to the predominance of
catholic ecclesiastical and feudal lords. In November of 1732 the last Prekm urje
Lutheran congregations were removed from Goričko. This ushered in a period
of moral trial for Prekmurje protes tants, which lasted for half a century right up
until the toleration edict, which, in Prekmurje, was enacted in 1783.
Although a Catholic (though born into the Protestant Nadasdyjev family),
Countess Marija Magdalena Drašković allowed them to settle on her estate near
Luka Ilić
Bullinger’s Influence on the Reformation in Slovenia
Heinrich Bullinger kept an active correspondence with Primus Trub er
(1508–1586), who was a Lutheran superintendent in the city of Laibach and
with Pietro Paolo Vergerio (1497–1565) of Capodistria. Drawing on this cor
respondence and elaborating on Oskar Sakrausky’s work Theologische Einflüsse
Bullingers bei Primus Truber (in Ulrich Gäbler and Erlaud Herkenrath ed., Heinrich
Bullinger 1504–1575: Gesammelte Aufsätze zum 400. Todestag, 2, Zürich 1975) this
paper establishes Bullinger’s inf luence on Truber’s doctrine of the sacraments
and also shows to what extent Bullinger was responsible for stopping the spread
of Flacianism (teachings of the Croatian-born reformer, Matthias Flacius Il
lyricus) in Slovenia.
In the summer of 1550 Truber published his Slovenian Catechism and to
it he appended Flacius’s theological work On the word Faith (De Vocabulo Fidei)
from 1549. This work appeared also as an appendix to Truber’s translation of
the New Testament in 1557 and in his 1562 tenets of faith. Soon afterwards,
however, Truber tried to avoid Flacius even though there was a strong pressure
from Truber’s colleagues Krelj and Klombner on the ministerium of Laibach to
officially adopt the Gnesio-Lutheran positions. One reason why Slovenia did not
turn completely Flacian was Bullinger’s constant attempt at stopping it. He not
only wrote to Truber against the Illyrian but also influenced the only existing
Slavic Protestant press based in Urach in the province of Württemberg not to
publish Flacius’s works and not to accept Flacius as an adviser in translating and
publishing Slovene and Croatian books.
Apart from corresponding with Truber and Vergerio, Bullinger sent them his
works for reading. Some of Bullinger’s views, especially traces of his interpreta
tion of the Lord’s Supper, can be found in Truber’s own writings. In 1563 Truber
was charged for propagating Zwinglianism by Jakob Andreae (1528–1590), who
reported him to Duke Christoph (1515–1568) and the ducal court in Württem
berg. This illustrates that certain aspects of Reformed theology found their way
into Slovenia via Zürich and influenced Protestantism there.
Franc Kuzmič
Prekmurje Protestants in 18th century
The 18th century was a period in which protestants of the Lutheran and Re
formed confessions had to retreat from Prekmurje due to the predominance of
catholic ecclesiastical and feudal lords. In November of 1732 the last Prekm urje
Lutheran congregations were removed from Goričko. This ushered in a period
of moral trial for Prekmurje protes tants, which lasted for half a century right up
until the toleration edict, which, in Prekmurje, was enacted in 1783.
Although a Catholic (though born into the Protestant Nadasdyjev family),
Countess Marija Magdalena Drašković allowed them to settle on her estate near