Page 258 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik I (2005), številki 1-2, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 258

Mihael Kuzmič
The Religious Heritage of Protestants and their Identity:
The Example of Protestant Churches in 20th Century Slovenia

The present treatise is a demonstration of the fact that after their blossoming
in the 16th century, followed by centuries of de­cline, reformation ideas resurfaced
and were revived in the first half of the 20th century, finding concrete expression
in the formation of the present day existing Slovene protestant churches. These,
due to their minority status, are sometimes barely recognisable to the outside
observer. However, even from within they do not show enough concern for their
own distinct identity.

From the time of their formation, through their entry into public life and up
to the end of the century, their pioneers have produced a real store of spiritual
wealth in the form of written biblical and theological works of differing kinds and
quality. This religious heritage of 20th century Slovene protestants is nowadays
mostly unknown to the wider circle of readers and experts.

Brief surveys of individual priests and pastors in particular chur­ches with
superficial reference to their literary opus, are simply an appeal to church leaders
and to researchers of religion in Slovenia to bring the fruit of their work to light
and to make it available to the public. Nearly every religious worker mentioned
deserves a thorough biography or even a monograph. For several of the religious
workers mentioned it can be said that they contributed not only to the church
but also to the general Slovene religious thought and culture, which was the
reason for their inclusion in the Encyclopaedia of Slovenia (amongst Lutherans:
Vladimir Deutsch, Adam Luthar, Ludvik Novak and in Amerika Frank Flisar
and Aleksander Kardoš; amongst Pentecostals: Jožef Novak, Ludvik Üllen, Peter
Kuzmič, Mihael Kuzmič; amongst Reformed: Jože Mihelič in America and, out­
side existing churches, Anton Chráska).
Božidar Debenjak
Zwei grosse Schritte im Jahr 1555

Das Matthäusevangelium ist der Anfang der systematischen slow­ enischen
Bibelübersetzung. Die vorliegende Analyse befasst sich mit Trubars Begleit­texten.
Das Hieronymus-Zitat (das erste slowenische Patristik-Zitat) wird mit Luthers

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