Page 273 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik VI (2010), številki 11-12, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 273
UDC 241:504.06:231.3
929Moltmann J.
Ciril Sorč
The theology of space
Recently the theology of space has become more significant, as witnessed
by the numerous contributions on this topic. The question of how much space
there still is for us and our successors and which foundations give solidity to our
(co)existence is of existential importance primarily at the present time. Jürgen
Moltmann also deals with this topic, as he attempts to present a considered an-
swer in his “sensitivity” for current burning questions. Primarily in addressing
Moltmann’s “theology of space” we aim to make a contribution that goes back
to the truth about the trinitarian God, from which the truth about creation
as trinitarian space(s) is derived. Our starting point is biblically conceived cre-
ation “ex plenitudine”, from the fullness of love, for only this can prepare space
for the Other in God and the other in creation. In this way we can re-evaluate
panentheism (often misunderstood in the past). In trinitarian coordinates we
discover the important and constitutive dimensions of creation since only here is
there an open space for meeting and living together. Moltm­ ann emphasizes that
“open creation” and “open society” are founded in the “open Trinity”. Finally we
remember the trinitarian goal of creation, a goal which will be an unendingly
open space for self-realization. May this contribution be a stimulus for further
consideration, research and applications of the theology of space.

UDC 231:321
Nenad Hardi Vitorović
The theology of the political act
Oliver O’Donovan is the leading contemporary Anglican scholar in the
field of political theology and ethics. He finds fault with the political the-
ologies developed so far in that they summarize their central concepts of the
political from prevailing political theories and consequently fail to develop
them exegetically. He himself sets about developing these concepts through
recapitulating the biblical message about God as ruler with the aim of present-
ing the concept of the political act as the essence of understanding authority,
which he thinks has become extremely incomprehensible. In this way he wants
to liberate again this horizon that has been lost for political theology. The
author of the present paper ascertains as a preliminary that such a concept of
the political act lacks a similarly exegetically developed concept of a (political)

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