Page 271 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik VI (2010), številki 11-12, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 271
wichtigsten Beweggründe für Trubars Ablehnung von Klombners Ausgabe
des Gesangbuches im Jahre 1562 war. Trotz seiner großen Bemühungen für
die slowenischen und kroatischen Übersetzungen und Drucke war Klombner
eine fragwürdige Person.

UDC 811.163.6(497.4)
Vincenc Rajšp
The Reformation in Slovenia
The paper gives a survey of events happening during the 16th-century
Reformation in Slovenia. Throughout the entire Holy Roman Empire the
Hapsburgs just as the other German princes regarded religious matters as
being of top priority for their rule. The Hapsburgs decided for the Roman
Catholic church but demanded reforms for it. Since the nobility were strong
adherents of Protestantism, the Hapsburgs had to give way in religious affairs
and enforced their absolute authority in the religious sphere only during the
Counter-Reformation after 1590. In Inner Austria, which became after 1564 a
special governmental unit of the Hapsburgs with a provincial prince and court
in Graz, the Protestant movement was organized right from the beginning in
Carniola, Styria and Carinthia, while there was no organized Protestant church
in Gorizia or in Trieste. Primož Trubar was important for the provincial orga-
nization of Protestant churches in Inner Austria, as he reformed the church in
Carniola and also compiled its church order. In cultural terms the Reformation
brought the greatest benefit to the Slovenes, since they gained their first Slovene
book, the first Slovene grammar, the translation of the whole Bible, while the
language was taken into account in dictionaries for the first time. These cultural
acquisitions of the Slovene Reformation were supported financially by all three
of the Inner Austrian provinces.

UDC 284.1:94(497.12Zagoriče)
Karl W. Schwarz
Zagoriče/Agoritschah – a Lutheran parish in bilingual Carinthia
This paper started as a lecture at the conference “Minorities – majorities:
intercultural relations in history and the contemporary period”, held in Vienna
on 19. 1. 2008. It relies on the already published research of Oskar Sakrausky
and others and also on personal research and interviews. Zagoriče is the only

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