Page 302 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik IX (2013), številka 17-18, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 302
UDC 930.85″15″:929Trubar P.

Vincenc Rajšp
The preface to Noviga testamenta pvsledni deil
The article presents Trubar’s Slovene preface to Noviga testamenta pvsledni deil
(1577) in the broader framework of Trubar’s prefaces in both Slovene and Ger-
man to the publications of his translations of the New Testament, and especial-
ly of his German preface in the same book. Trubar generally counts the nobility
within the sphere of the Slovene language, although he addresses the nobility in
German, whereas he uses Slovene for the Slovene population. In his prefaces
Trubar pays attention to different themes. In those to Noviga testamenta pvsledni
deil he presents as a special danger to the Church, to which he belongs, the lux-
urious life of the nobility and the bourgeoisie, the egoistic converting to the
papal Catholic Church or to the Muslim faith, the neglect of reading the Bible
and lukewarmness, because some persons of the Lutheran Reformation were too
indecisive in rejecting the Catholic Church.
UDK 279.1:271/279

Violeta Vladimira Mesarič Jazbinšek
Women’s priesthood
The lecturer as a Lutheran woman priest and deputy of the army chief of
chaplains in the Slovene Armed Forces speaks about her mission (cf. Mesarič
Jazbinšek, ‘Duhovna oskrba med vojaki’ (Spiritual care among soldiers), Stati inu
obstati 2012/15-16, 295–302), and at the same time presents a view of women’s
priesthood and of women in general, taking into account different sources and
the literature and relevant discussions taking place within individual Christian
churches, as well as the challenges in the ecumenical field, or in other words, in
the field of cooperation between different Christian churches and the search for
unity in diversity.

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