Page 303 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik IX (2013), številka 17-18, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 303
UDC 272(497.4):272

Peter Kovačič Peršin
The Slovene Roman Catholic Church 50 years after the Second Vatican
The Second Vatican Council brought a great hope that the Roman Catholic
Church would step out on a path of re-shaping its structures and of dialogue
with the world and that its modernization would make an essential contribution
to the solving of big social problems, above all as regards establishing a new world
order, to be founded on the equal rights of nations, to strive for preserving peace
in the world and to set up a socially sustainable order for all societies, whether
developed or not. At present the dominant conviction is that the Council suc-
ceeded only partially; the Catholic Church has not realized the basic purpose of
the Council. The evaluation of one of the prominent Council theologians, Hans
Küng, that the post-Council Church entered the path of reinstatement after the
death of Pope Paul VI is justified. This happened in a still more radical form in
the countries of transition, including Slovenia, because here there is also retali-
ation politics, which during the transition particularly sees communist ideology
in the background of the achievements of a socialist social state. The article shows
conditions in the Church in Slovenia by a detailed comparison of chapters and
points from the Concluding Document of the Plenary Council of the Church in
Slovenia Izberi življenje (Choose Life, 2001) on the one hand and especially from
the Vatican Council’s Pastoral Constitution concerning the Church in the Mod-
ern World Gaudium et spes and from the circular document of the Council Pope
John XXIII Mater et Magistra (1961) on the other. In the formulations of the
document Izberi življenje (2001) the tendency of the Slovene Catholic Church
back to reinstatement of integrism is evident.

UDC 886.3-821:27-36
Božidar Debenjak
Did Mary Magdalene die in Provence?
Janez Vajkard Valvasor in his extensive work Slava Vojvodine Kranjske (The
Glory of the Duchy of Carniola), in treating karst caves described the cave at Socerb,
its surroundings reminding him of Provence and the cave of Sainte Baume, so
he described that too. His assistant Erasmus Francisci (pseudonym), a Protestant
nobleman from Lübeck, added a historical and religiological commentary plac-

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