Page 259 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik III (2007), številki 5-6, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 259
UDC 284.1(497.12)”15":929 Rajhman J.
Fanika Krajnc - Vrečko
Jože Rajhman and Slovene Protestantism in the 16th century
In his research work Jože Rajhman attempted to present Trubar and Slovene
Protestants of the 16th century in their historical and religious setting, which
for anyone investigating the Slovene Protestant past is almost as important as
discovering in Trubar’s works the common points which historically link Ro-
man Catholics and Protestants and make ecumenical dialogue in Slovenia pos-
sible. Rajhman pointed out the anthropological and humanist orientation of
Trubar’s theology, the particular direction in Protestantism that Trubar took,
and revealed Trubar’s democratic thinking, which contains elements of ethnic
and national consciousness. But above all in Trubar’s theological vocabulary
he confirmed the thesis of a continued linguistic and literary tradition that
reaches back to the Freising Fragments. So it is also thanks to Rajhman that
the world of Primož Trubar is brought near to us in a new way. This is the
world of Trubar’s ethical programme, which he placed at the forefront of
Slovene Protestantism as the most vulnerable point of the religious programme.
It is a world in which the idea of a national language is realized. Trubar is
certainly a key personality, without whom there is no cultural or political his-
tory of the Slovenes or of Slovenedom. Jože Rajhman, professor of Roman
Catholic theology, wrote, “Trubar is a connecting element. Without him it is
not possible to conceive of our entire existence, in which we include everything
that marks us as Slovenes.” Similarly we could say that in the second half of the
20th century Prof. Jože Rajhman was a connecting element between the Ro-
man Catholic and Protestant traditions, who on the basis of his research work
combines and links these two forms of Christianity in Slovenia.
UDC 284.1(497.12)”15":929 Rajhman J.
Fanika Krajnc - Vrečko
Jože Rajhman and Slovene Protestantism in the 16th century
In his research work Jože Rajhman attempted to present Trubar and Slovene
Protestants of the 16th century in their historical and religious setting, which
for anyone investigating the Slovene Protestant past is almost as important as
discovering in Trubar’s works the common points which historically link Ro-
man Catholics and Protestants and make ecumenical dialogue in Slovenia pos-
sible. Rajhman pointed out the anthropological and humanist orientation of
Trubar’s theology, the particular direction in Protestantism that Trubar took,
and revealed Trubar’s democratic thinking, which contains elements of ethnic
and national consciousness. But above all in Trubar’s theological vocabulary
he confirmed the thesis of a continued linguistic and literary tradition that
reaches back to the Freising Fragments. So it is also thanks to Rajhman that
the world of Primož Trubar is brought near to us in a new way. This is the
world of Trubar’s ethical programme, which he placed at the forefront of
Slovene Protestantism as the most vulnerable point of the religious programme.
It is a world in which the idea of a national language is realized. Trubar is
certainly a key personality, without whom there is no cultural or political his-
tory of the Slovenes or of Slovenedom. Jože Rajhman, professor of Roman
Catholic theology, wrote, “Trubar is a connecting element. Without him it is
not possible to conceive of our entire existence, in which we include everything
that marks us as Slovenes.” Similarly we could say that in the second half of the
20th century Prof. Jože Rajhman was a connecting element between the Ro-
man Catholic and Protestant traditions, who on the basis of his research work
combines and links these two forms of Christianity in Slovenia.