Page 413 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik V (2009), številki 9-10, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 413

still another point: the gospel itself presupposes freedom to check, preserve or
also to change personal convictions or beliefs held by individuals, and freedom
to express one’s faith or conviction, individually or collectively, publicly or pri-
vately, and in this way privileges precisely such pluralism as makes this pos-
sible, and as is institutionalized by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the
European Union – as opposed to the “pluralism” of Roman Catholic, Protes-
tant and Orthodox countries within the monopoly of a unified story about
“Christian Europe”.

UDC 2-05:929Rajhman J.

Fanika Krajnc - Vrečko
Rajhman’s socially engaged theology

In his theological anthropological papers the Slovene Roman Catholic theo-
logian and philologist Jože Rajhman (1924–1998) dealt with man in his rela-
tionship to himself, his environment and God. Man as a social being is condi-
tioned by the inf luences of his environment, but as a religious being and mem-
ber of his church he lives a church community life, so he is not indifferent to
how the church views man in his everyday situation and in his problems. Hence
the ideas of socially engaged theology, which has its origin in liberation theol-
ogy and in the period after the Second Vatican Council found supporters in
Slovenia as well. Rajhman is for cooperation between the church and the au-
thorities for the good of man, so he draws attention to burning problems in
contemporary society, which testify to the discrepancy between “church” and
“gospel” standpoints. The church can realize its gospel mission only if it “ac-
cepts the realization of dialogue in society within its work programme”, when
it does not see those who think differently as enemies, but rather as friends in
a common endeavour for the good of humankind.

UDC 2-732-31:2-144.81

Tomaž Jurca
Calvin and Luther on secular authority

The discussion examines three Protestant texts that speak about temporal
power and its role in the religiously unstable society of the16th century. In
these texts Luther and Calvin along with the criticism of papal claims of pleni-
tude of power discuss primarily temporal power and its duties related to spiri-
tual and temporal things. The treatise An den christlichen Adel deutscher Nation
represents Luther’s first systematic break from the Roman Church and a call

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