Page 418 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik V (2009), številki 9-10, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 418

parish was in Protestant hands, he saw to it more indirectly that his home
parish had excellent priests or preachers, among whom Jurij Dalmatin was defi-
nitely the most prominent. This paper (1) gives a short survey of the founding
of the parish and its development up to the 16th century, (2) presents two
Roman Catholic priests, (3) then Protestant preachers or leaders up to 1598
and lastly (4) the re-Catholicization of the parish under Bishop Tomaž Hren.
As an appendix it gives two reports on the re-Catholicization of the Škocjan
parish, as recorded in the chronicle of the Jesuit college and by Valvasor in his
work The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola.

UDC 821.163.6.09:82Trubar P.

Kozma Ahačič
The first Slovene book published for the first time
in contemporary Slovene

In selected extracts from the accompanying study to the edition (2009) con-
taining a modernized translation of Trubar’s Catechism 1550 the author em-
phasizes that this book marked a great turning point and was the courageous
action of a genius. Trubar conceived his first book as an original work on a
high theological level. As regards its contents it cannot be compared with any
other European catechism of the time; it is an independently and thoughtfully
planned work, which is indisputably interesting also for the history of Euro-
pean catechisms. It begins with the story of the creation of Adam and Eve, and
already in this point it differs from the other contemporary Protestant cat-
echisms; this was characteristic also of Erasmus of Rotterdam and other hu-
manists. Moreover, in quoting the Ten Commandments in full according to
Moses and not just in the abbreviated form, Trubar moved away from the cus-
tom of the time (Brenz, Luther). He probably quotes the apostolic faith accord-
ing to Veit Dietrich and not according to Luther. The warning about the rever-
ent observance of the Lord’s Supper is also arranged according to Dietrich;
other authors did not usually include such a section in catechisms. In treating
the two recognized sacraments (baptism, the Lord’s Supper), Trubar follows
Augustine’s principle and stresses that this is a “sacred mystery”. The normal
catechism pattern of question and answer is rarely used in Trubar’s catechism
(e.g. in the section on good deeds). The section with commandments concern-
ing the correct behaviour of the different social classes in based on Luther’s
Short Catechism, yet it is entirely Trubar’s work. Because of his desire to spread
religious teaching by means of singing as well, he added a collection of hymns
to the catechism. He also added two collects (one is translated from Dietrich,
the other is independent) and a sermon on faith, in which there is only indirect
influence from Matija Vlačić. Alongside the sources mentioned, the main source

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