Page 420 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik V (2009), številki 9-10, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 420

wichtige Rolle bei der Entscheidung, an welcher Universität die slowenischen
Studenten studierten sollten. Primož Trubar stand in Kontakt mit Heinrich
Bullinger. In den Matrikeln der Universität Basel finden wir viele Studenten
aus Kärnten, Krain, Görz und der Steiermark. Im 17. Jahrhundert nahm die
Bedeutung der Universität aufgrund der Gegenreformation in den öster-
reichischen Ländern ab. Trotzdem immatrikulierten sich einige Studenten aus
Kärnten an der Universität Basel. In Kärnten hielten sich die Protestanten im
Hintergrund. Es gab viele Berichte von dem laibacher Bischof und seinen
Mitarbeiter über Protestanten in Kärnten.

UDC 284.2(497.4):908(497.4Saleška dolina)

Tone Ravnikar
The Reformation in the Šaleška dolina valley

The paper presents those responsible for Lutheran ideas and the organiza-
tional forms of Protestantism in the Šaleška dolina valley. This territory be-
longed to the Ljubljana diocese and such examples of the morally unaccept-
able life and activity of the Roman Catholic priesthood as were noticeable in
other parishes were frequent here too. As early as 1528 the Roman Catholic
commission established that the owners of castles (Velenje, Forhtenek, Švar-
cenštajn) and the judge of the market town of Šoštanj were opposing masses
and forbidding their subjects to attend mass. The Velenje lord of the castle,
Baltasar Wagen, drove out the Roman Catholic priest from the Velenje church
of the Mother of God and brought in a Lutheran preacher, which triggered a
long-lasting dispute over this church between Wager and the Roman Catholic
church authorities. In Šoštanj and Velenje there were adherents of Lutheranism
among the townspeople as well. In Velenje a German preacher worked from
1573 and from 1576 Jurij Cvetić, who had a command of Slovene. Also in Velenje
the Protestants opened the first elementary school in Šaleška dolina in 1574 (it
functioned until c. 1600). Noblemen from Šaleška dolina gave financial sup-
port to build a house of prayer in Golče near Žalec, which was the only newly
built Protestant church building in Slovenia. The preacher Ivan Dolijanski
worked here. At Švarcenštajn Castle a stock of Slovene and German Bibles was
kept, which were distributed around Styria. Nevertheless the Reformation
endeavours in Šaleška dolina remained tied to the nobility and a few individu-
als in the market towns of Šoštanj and Velenje, while religious conf licts often
involved interests regarding estates and incomes.

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