Page 419 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik V (2009), številki 9-10, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 419

for Trubar’s Catechism, an original work, is the Bible. Here Trubar appears as
the first translator of biblical extracts. In translating from the Old Testament,
he combined the Latin Vulgate and Luther’s German translation, while for
quotations from the New Testament he used Erasmus’ Latin translation and
Luther’s German version.

UDC 821.163.6:929Trubar P.:28-45

Milena Mileva Blažić
The image of the family in Trubar’s texts

The aim of this paper is to research the image of the family and family life
in Trubar’s texts. The following family types occur most frequently: the house-
hold family, the nuclear and extended family, and his own family. The results
point to a modern concept of the family and family life in the 16th century or to
an anthropocentric concept of the family, the child and childhood, women and
motherhood. Trubar often writes about the duties and responsibilities of par-
ents towards their children. This is a modern concept of the child, who has a
right to play, care, safety and parental love, and especially to education (not
only boys but also girls). He also stresses care for pregnant women and mothers
who are breast-feeding. He is concerned for love and mutual respect within the
family, for diligence and justice. From strong moral standpoints he condemns
sexual immorality, rape, alcoholism, laziness, irresponsibility. Trubar mentions
women in the framework of the social hierarchy typical of the 16th century and
includes the institution of marriage and the family, work duties at home and
outside the home, and the division into the (male) public and (female) family

UDC 378.12:284.2(494)”15":284.2(497.4Slovenija)

Marko Mugerli
Die Reformation in Slowenien und der Schweiz: Die Universität Basel

Im 16. Jahrhundert war Basel Zentrum des europäischen Humanismus. Hier
lebte der berühmte Naturforscher Paracelsus. Der große schweizerische Hu-
manist Heinrich Loriti Glarean hielt Vorlesungen an der Universität Basel. Hier
lebte und arbeitete auch Erasmus. Seine Bücher wurden in der Druckerei
Johannes Frobenius gedruckt. Hier wurde der Laibacher Lenart Budina als
Lektor angestellt. Lenart Budina war später Leiter der protestantischen krainer
Landschule in Laibach. So hatte er bedeutenden Einf luss auf slowenische
Studenten. Die Meinung von Lenart Budina und Primož Trubar spielte eine

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