Page 35 - Management 16.2
P. 35
Philipp Asen, Vito Bobek, and Tatjana Horvat | The Efficiency of Ports and Airports
2010 10
2018 35.4
Figure 3 Revenue at Durban airport in € (based on Airport Authority Hong Kong 2020 and Airport Company South
Africa 2020)
2010 959 1800
Figure 4 Revenue at Hong Kong Airport in € (based on Airport Authority Hong Kong 2020)
2010 6.4 20.5
Figure 5 Total Cargo Handled at Durban Airport in Thousand Tonnes (based on Airport Company South Africa 2020)
2010 3600
Figure 6
Total Cargo Handled at Hong Kong Airport in Thousand Tonnes (based on Airport Authority Hong Kong
graphs correctly as Durban’s revenue would not Table 2 Comparison of Airports
be visible on Hong Kong’s chart.
Item Durban Hong Kong
The airport in Durban has two different termi-
nals, one for passengers and the other for cargo. Air traffic movements , ,
Therefore, similar to the revenue, the total cargo Passengers million . million
handled increased significantly over time. The On-time performance . .
freight terminal is a significant benefit for the air- Total cargo handled (int) , . million
port as large freight aircraft can operate there and Handling capacity (int) , . million
can load goods needed in the country or to sell to (. full ( full
other countries. The capacity of cargo handled in Revenue (in ) utilization) utilization)
Durban right now is 100,000 tons per year, but . million . billion
they want to increase this capacity to 2 million
tons by 2060 (Dube TradePort n.d.). However, Opombe Numbers from 2018. Based on Airport Author-
they could only handle 20,500 tons of cargo in ity Hong Kong (2020) and Airports Company South Africa
2018, meaning that they still have a significant (2020).
amount of free capacity, which is inefficient but
must be improved in the future (figure 5). Durban was more or less fully occupied, so it
was vital for them to open a new airport. They
Hong Kong international airport has been one increased the number of annual passengers to 6
of the world’s busiest airports and handled 4.8 million, and it would be possible to handle 1.5 mil-
million tons of cargo in 2018, which accounted lion more (Airports Company South Africa n.d.).
for 42 of Hong Kong’s external trade total value. The airport in Hong Kong is gathering increas-
They have sufficient cargo handling capacity, with ing importance for many tourists as the entry to
a total of 7.6 million tons which could be handled. China. They increased their number of passengers
Furthermore, their geographic location and con- between 2010 and 2018 to 71.5 million, which is an
nectivity are significant in cargo handling (Hong overwhelming 195,000 per day (Hong Kong Inter-
Kong International Airport n.d.a) (figure 6). national Airport n.d.b) (figure 7).
The flow of passengers is critical to the success Hong Kong connects these passengers with
of an airport. It is vital to optimize operational 220 destinations worldwide via 120 different air-
efficiency and the check-in process, develop hold lines. They have approximately 420,000 air traffic
baggage systems, and realize full capacity (aiq
Consulting 2018). management 16 (2021) številka 2 79
2010 10
2018 35.4
Figure 3 Revenue at Durban airport in € (based on Airport Authority Hong Kong 2020 and Airport Company South
Africa 2020)
2010 959 1800
Figure 4 Revenue at Hong Kong Airport in € (based on Airport Authority Hong Kong 2020)
2010 6.4 20.5
Figure 5 Total Cargo Handled at Durban Airport in Thousand Tonnes (based on Airport Company South Africa 2020)
2010 3600
Figure 6
Total Cargo Handled at Hong Kong Airport in Thousand Tonnes (based on Airport Authority Hong Kong
graphs correctly as Durban’s revenue would not Table 2 Comparison of Airports
be visible on Hong Kong’s chart.
Item Durban Hong Kong
The airport in Durban has two different termi-
nals, one for passengers and the other for cargo. Air traffic movements , ,
Therefore, similar to the revenue, the total cargo Passengers million . million
handled increased significantly over time. The On-time performance . .
freight terminal is a significant benefit for the air- Total cargo handled (int) , . million
port as large freight aircraft can operate there and Handling capacity (int) , . million
can load goods needed in the country or to sell to (. full ( full
other countries. The capacity of cargo handled in Revenue (in ) utilization) utilization)
Durban right now is 100,000 tons per year, but . million . billion
they want to increase this capacity to 2 million
tons by 2060 (Dube TradePort n.d.). However, Opombe Numbers from 2018. Based on Airport Author-
they could only handle 20,500 tons of cargo in ity Hong Kong (2020) and Airports Company South Africa
2018, meaning that they still have a significant (2020).
amount of free capacity, which is inefficient but
must be improved in the future (figure 5). Durban was more or less fully occupied, so it
was vital for them to open a new airport. They
Hong Kong international airport has been one increased the number of annual passengers to 6
of the world’s busiest airports and handled 4.8 million, and it would be possible to handle 1.5 mil-
million tons of cargo in 2018, which accounted lion more (Airports Company South Africa n.d.).
for 42 of Hong Kong’s external trade total value. The airport in Hong Kong is gathering increas-
They have sufficient cargo handling capacity, with ing importance for many tourists as the entry to
a total of 7.6 million tons which could be handled. China. They increased their number of passengers
Furthermore, their geographic location and con- between 2010 and 2018 to 71.5 million, which is an
nectivity are significant in cargo handling (Hong overwhelming 195,000 per day (Hong Kong Inter-
Kong International Airport n.d.a) (figure 6). national Airport n.d.b) (figure 7).
The flow of passengers is critical to the success Hong Kong connects these passengers with
of an airport. It is vital to optimize operational 220 destinations worldwide via 120 different air-
efficiency and the check-in process, develop hold lines. They have approximately 420,000 air traffic
baggage systems, and realize full capacity (aiq
Consulting 2018). management 16 (2021) številka 2 79