Page 31 - Management 16.2
P. 31
lipp Asen The Efficiency of Ports
University of Applied Sciences and Airports in Emerging Markets
fh Joanneum Graz, Austria Measured by Key Performance Indicators: The Case of Hong Kong
and Durban
Vito Bobek
University of Applied Sciences Ports and airports impact emerging countries’ development. A case study
fh Joanneum Graz, Austria where the ports and airports of Durban, South Africa, and Hong Kong are compared should provide information about this issue. The research
was based on a quantitative and descriptive approach, as the outcome
Tatjana Horvat was simply expressed in an overall summary. The results were that Hong
University of Primorska, Faculty Kong outperforms Durban in most key performance indicators such as
of Management, Slovenia revenue, cargo handled, or container dwell time. In addition, Durban’s port is more expensive and cannot attract the most prominent busi-
nesses. However, even though Durban is nowhere near the size of Hong
Kong, the port and airport are essential for their economy, and they keep
improving. In conclusion, it can be said that some obvious factors influ-
ence the economy, like the size of the port or airport. Other than that,
some indicators are not influenced by the size, like average turnaround
time, which can be optimized.
Keywords: infrastructure development, importance of ports and airports,
comparison of emerging countries, key performance indicators
Učinkovitost pristanišč in letališč na hitrorastočih trgih,
merjena s ključnimi kazalniki uspešnosti: primer Hongkonga
in Durbana
Pristanišča in letališča vplivajo na razvoj hitrorastočih gospodarstev. Štu-
dija primera, v kateri primerjamo pristanišča in letališča Durbana (Južna
Afrika) in Hongkonga, bi morala zagotoviti informacije o tem vprašanju.
Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativnem in deskriptivnem pristopu, saj
je bil rezultat preprosto izražen v splošnem povzetku. Rezultati so po-
kazali, da je Hong Kong boljši od Durbana pri večini ključnih kazalnikov
uspešnosti, kot so prihodki, pretovorjen tovor ali čas zadrževanja zaboj-
nikov. Poleg tega je pristanišče Durban dražje in ne more pritegniti naj-
vidnejših podjetij. Čeprav Durban po velikosti ni primerljiv s Hongkon-
gom, sta pristanišče in letališče ključnega pomena za njihovo gospodar-
stvo in se nenehno izboljšujeta. Ugotovimo lahko, da nekateri očitni de-
javniki, kot sta velikost pristanišča ali letališča, vplivajo na gospodarstvo.
Velikost pa ne vpliva na nekatere druge dejavnike, kot je na primer pov-
prečni čas obdelave, ki ga je mogoče optimizirati.
Ključne besede: razvoj infrastrukture, pomen pristanišč in letališč, pri-
merjava držav v vzponu, ključni kazalniki uspešnosti
Introduction better quality, or no local alternative is available
Goods and services get imported from abroad or exists. Trade benefits may be inequitable, but
for different reasons: they may be cheaper, have some trade is better than no trade at all (‘Interna-
management 16 (2021) številka 2 75
University of Applied Sciences and Airports in Emerging Markets
fh Joanneum Graz, Austria Measured by Key Performance Indicators: The Case of Hong Kong
and Durban
Vito Bobek
University of Applied Sciences Ports and airports impact emerging countries’ development. A case study
fh Joanneum Graz, Austria where the ports and airports of Durban, South Africa, and Hong Kong are compared should provide information about this issue. The research
was based on a quantitative and descriptive approach, as the outcome
Tatjana Horvat was simply expressed in an overall summary. The results were that Hong
University of Primorska, Faculty Kong outperforms Durban in most key performance indicators such as
of Management, Slovenia revenue, cargo handled, or container dwell time. In addition, Durban’s port is more expensive and cannot attract the most prominent busi-
nesses. However, even though Durban is nowhere near the size of Hong
Kong, the port and airport are essential for their economy, and they keep
improving. In conclusion, it can be said that some obvious factors influ-
ence the economy, like the size of the port or airport. Other than that,
some indicators are not influenced by the size, like average turnaround
time, which can be optimized.
Keywords: infrastructure development, importance of ports and airports,
comparison of emerging countries, key performance indicators
Učinkovitost pristanišč in letališč na hitrorastočih trgih,
merjena s ključnimi kazalniki uspešnosti: primer Hongkonga
in Durbana
Pristanišča in letališča vplivajo na razvoj hitrorastočih gospodarstev. Štu-
dija primera, v kateri primerjamo pristanišča in letališča Durbana (Južna
Afrika) in Hongkonga, bi morala zagotoviti informacije o tem vprašanju.
Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativnem in deskriptivnem pristopu, saj
je bil rezultat preprosto izražen v splošnem povzetku. Rezultati so po-
kazali, da je Hong Kong boljši od Durbana pri večini ključnih kazalnikov
uspešnosti, kot so prihodki, pretovorjen tovor ali čas zadrževanja zaboj-
nikov. Poleg tega je pristanišče Durban dražje in ne more pritegniti naj-
vidnejših podjetij. Čeprav Durban po velikosti ni primerljiv s Hongkon-
gom, sta pristanišče in letališče ključnega pomena za njihovo gospodar-
stvo in se nenehno izboljšujeta. Ugotovimo lahko, da nekateri očitni de-
javniki, kot sta velikost pristanišča ali letališča, vplivajo na gospodarstvo.
Velikost pa ne vpliva na nekatere druge dejavnike, kot je na primer pov-
prečni čas obdelave, ki ga je mogoče optimizirati.
Ključne besede: razvoj infrastrukture, pomen pristanišč in letališč, pri-
merjava držav v vzponu, ključni kazalniki uspešnosti
Introduction better quality, or no local alternative is available
Goods and services get imported from abroad or exists. Trade benefits may be inequitable, but
for different reasons: they may be cheaper, have some trade is better than no trade at all (‘Interna-
management 16 (2021) številka 2 75